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  1. am very stressed and puzzled by the whole thing. if they gave £6000 TO a company that has now no longer trading. why are they not chasing them? have they paid another 6K TO ANOTHER COMPANY? IF I HAD BORROWED 6K AND GIVEN IT TO A 3RD PARTY AND LOST IT. I WOULD BE AFTER THEM. BUT I NEVER HAD THE CASH! I AM JUST NO ANSWERING THE PHONE. I CAN NOT SEE HOW THE LAW CAN BE ON THEIR SIDE. HOW CAN THEY MAKE ME HAVE AND PAY FOR SOMETHING I DONOT WANT? THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT ON THIS SITE.
  2. hi i had the same. i will not let a bank put put me on a course not of my choice.Thanks for all the support on this site. Fuzzbut. how do i get in on the action? as time goes on I am getting more&more ANGRY!
  3. I would also like this template letter. am in the same boat , but, with access to trade. is there anyone in the kent/maidstone area. maybe we could share the legal fees? I canot see how a bank can insist on this.are they going to pay another 6k to another company? and hope we carry on paying. how much did the course cost them? I HAVE NO INTENTION. of letting them get away with this. am also very stresssed
  4. hi all , have just found this site. i am in the same boat , only made 2payments have not yet started electricians course. have stopped payments have no intention of letting a bank choose a training course for me.where did you get the news that access2trade student has escaped this situation? We are all at different stages of our training.but I for one am going to dig my heels in. regards . sparky NOT
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