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eugene axe

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Everything posted by eugene axe

  1. Thanks for letting us use your letter CJF09 . I did use/edit it to suit myself, went to print it and run out of ink!!. Bloody typical. Anyway, realy appreciate it
  2. Hi all Got a letter from BPF saying they are getting Mercers involved. Must admit i haven`t been here for a while. What can i do about contacting Hausfeld? Also what to do about Mercers?. Think i`m gonna get some legal advice. It`s been so long winded now, lets hope we can get to the end, soon.
  3. Hi to all Here is another victim to add to the site. I`ve managed to freeze my account with BPF, after a bloody good argument with them on the phone. However i still got hounded for the money. Geared up this morning to have another go, after contacting my local TS (who i must admit was very helpfull). Thankfully it is done know. I recieved my letter saying that they are in "disussion with a suitable alternative supplier", we shall see. Hopefully this will be there down fall. I went ahead and done what a4ron suggested and contacted The One Show, please lets all do it!! BBC - The One Show - Get Involved You never know. I personaly think it is a waiting game know. So as Matthew Lee said, keep fighting your corner.
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