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  1. Dear worried26I was in the same poition back in March 2010 and if you check back to posts 44 and 47 you will see the variety of letters I received.Just view them as the idiots they are; making hollow threats which they never follow up : they obviously make sufficent income from those who pay up without researching the companies first.As I said 'worried no more' and still no further communications.Cheers and spend the money on yourself!
  2. Hi number 23, ( I'm certain dopey witch doesn't apply! )A few assumtpions here: that your returned to the car and the ticket was in a yellow envelope stuck to the window:you were concerned and e-mailed rather than phoned ( thus enabling you to withhold your number). Also the company who manage the car park maybe GEMINI PARKING SOLUTIONS : you would need to check the ticket to confirm this. If it isn't then Google the name and see what pops up. If it is this company then there are many threads on most of the consumer forums all saying the same : these are a money making organisation who would issue a ticket to a mars bar if it stood still for too long. First thing I would suggest is putting them on your blocked e-mail list or change your email. Next as they don't have your address at present they will apply to the DVLA for the registered keepers details and send the Penalty notice to that person. Keep the letter but do not respond and they will continue to 'increase' the threats. Be brave and eventually they will give up. My case took 7 letters; 3 from the parking company ( messy black and white efforts with overtyping ); 3 from Debt Recovery Plus ( red headed notepaper ); and 1 from Parking Collection Services ( Green ) and 7 months to come to an end. I almost made a big mistake and considered paying up but my boss suggested I look up Money Saving Experts and the Consumer Action Group sites just to see if anyone had had dealing with the group and BINGO : almost too much info but it made me realise I would be silly to be bothered by their threats. Life's too short to be bothered by idiot companies like these!
  3. Hi SacI didn't pay a penny : but I did keep the letters just to have a laugh when I'm feeling down. As has been said before by other posters do not contact any of them; do not even return any letters GONE AWAY that way they may think you are still 'fair game'! Always note that the letters say MAY or COULD; this is a 'legal ' get out but do have an intimidating effect. Save your time and money : open a bottle of something sparkling and celebrate their incompetence!44( not worried any more! )
  4. Hi, 2 years later and, touching wood, nothing since March 2010. I have to say I do tell as many people as possible about these robbers and try to put their minds at rest. I had hoped that legislation would have put a stop to this 'highway robbery'. Always remember a fine should to be commensurate with the inconvenience caused and 9times oput of 10 there is no inconvenience!Just stand firm and don't reply to their 'rainbow' of letters!
  5. As predicted it arrived yesterday 31.3.10 - Parking Collection Services Ltd - who have 'purchased the debt' and are willing to accept £99.99 ( almost a round number!) in full and final settlement. The green headed notepaper made a nice change from the red. This brings the chain of letters to 7 ( lucky/unlucky for some ) and hopefully, according to other forums, the end but there is the possibility they may try to ring as the very kind DVLA also provide the phone numbers of Registered Keepers ( which I think is really going too far! ). Any suggestions of a sure fire way of them never ringing after the first attempt.
  6. Only joking. I wouldn't give these 'people' the time of day. 3rd letter 'Further to the notice of inteneded....' will now accept one off payment of £116. Having followed various streams of messges, the next communication should be from a 2nd agency who have 'bought the debt' and they will offer me yet another opportunity to pay a further reduced amount. However this 2nd agency has the same registered address as Debt Recovery Plus so do they use the shed at the bottom of the garden - no silly me just different paper in the same printer in the 'front bedroom'. Having 'Googled' the the registered address, it is a not insubstantial residence so I don't really think they need any donations from me!
  7. Have lost the original link but previous poster mentioned a same phone number but it's more than that as both DEBT REVOVERY PLUS and PARKING COLLECTION SERVICES LTD share the same registered address at 5 Grange Park Road CHEADLE SK8 1HG (See KIPTOWER 18.2.10) As they say walls have ears, so not too many details suffice to say 2 worrying letters sent from DEBT RECOVERY PLUS so now awaiting the next missive to say the debt has now been bought by yet another 'organisation'. Just how many more can I expect? I'm really beginning to feel harrassed and almost want to pay them to stop the letters!
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