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Everything posted by Babado

  1. One thing you need to do is Speak to BPF, ask them to put your loan on hold at least for now, that will stop you having to make any payment. They have agreed to do the same for me. if your lawyer had seen the loan agreement she would not be saying that, it clearly said in the agreement that BPF can be sued for breach of contract. My mind is made up, Am going alone with the course l will not use another provider again simple as that. it will be way cheaper, once you get qualified am sure some employers will take notice.
  2. I strongly believe, the best way to go is to get a full refund otherwise, it will be seen clearly as a daylight robbery.
  3. Hello Everyone, I am from Manchester, I have just managed to locate this thread about Advent and Barclays Patner Finance, it quite refreshing to see am not the only one in this mess, I signed on with Advent in April 09 to do Microsoft CDS course, Advent themself arranged the loan through Barclays Patner Finance for me. i was gutted when I received an email from Advent that they are going under, i just couldnt believe it. i went it to panic mode as to what am going to do with the loan and what my rights are. After ringing around for advise, I was told to study the agreement paperwork, Evenually I studied the loan agreement carefully and my contract paperwork with Advent. I found out from there that, my contract with Advent is terminated with immediate effect following receipt of their insolvency notice to me (clause 10.1.1 of student contract) and also I have a right to sue Barclays Partner Finance as well under Consumer Credit Acts 74, as the contract has not been fulfulled due to Advent insolvency. I immediate ring Barclays Partner Finance and asked them what are they going to do about this messy situation, their answer was that, they are in a process of finding another IT Training Provider and they will suspend my loan payment until such time that a new provider is found, and I should wait until such time, which they cannot tell me how long this could take. I refer this to a legal advisor, who told me that because Barclays is jointly responsible with course they are under obligation under the Consumer Credit Act to try to fulfill the contract, which I believe that is what they are trying to do by looking for another Provider. My problem with Barclays finding another IT provider is that, this is matter of personal choice, I looked for Advent myself the only time I heard of Barclays is after I had been accepted for the course, so who is Barclays now to now be finding me another IT Training provider, their expertise is to provide funding, what do they know about IT? I read from Advent website that it was Barclays's fault that forced them into insolvency because Barclays did not release funding to them and infact Barclays is pulling out of IT Training sector altogether, who is lying? if Barclays is pulling out how come they are still wanting to look for another IT Provider? It just does not make any sense, and if indeed Barclays did have hand in Advent going down which will be very hard to proof because you dont really know who to believe anymore, whether Advent is trying to make us believe it was not their fault or Barclays is just playing stupid. In any case, my advice to everyone is to hold out for money back for breach of contract, Barclays can do all it like to fulfill the contract but that is to late now, I will continue to do course on my own and finish it but am not going to be forced on to another crappy IT provider, my point of view my contract with Advent terminated due to them going under, hence rendring my obligation for continue to pay the loan meaningless, as a matter of facts, We will all have to sign a brand new contract with the new IT Provider as in when Barclays decides to let us know becuase Advent contact is terminated. I am certainly will not be signing anything, I will fight to the last breath i have to get my £800 i had paid back for non fulfullment of contract. I am luck that I have not paid so much, I feel sorry the people who have paid upfront, Guys seek Legal advice, and if you have taken out a loan from private lender speak to them and see what are willing to do to help. Guys, I have decided to continue doing this alone, it is cheaper, your faith it is in your own hands, who to say if indeed Barclays found us a new Provider that the new company will not suffer the same fate?. If anyone is interest that doing microsoft certification i will like to here from you, we can help each other through this mess that we all found ourselves, we need to pull together because 100 voices in better that 1. I can be contacted at [email protected]. Thanks for reading
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