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  1. ok ive signed petition. Lets hope it works . gotta get these [problem] suckers with all this money we've paid we'll all have to go on the dole and then we can sit on our arses and let the lazy government pay us for a change. Why are we getting slammed when we have all tried to get on in life!!!!! Cause this whole thing doesnt make you wanna try and learn new skills to help this country get back on its feet again. I havent come into this world to pay greedy fat bankers and [problem] computer companies money for nothing !!!
  2. hello everyone,just to add to all the posts ive read, i got the same email on the 27th jan. Ive been signed up on one of the courses with advent since august and got my £5500 through barclays. I believe it has all been a complete [problem] all along. It doesnt cost £5000 to get certificates and training u can do the same course at a local college for not even a fraction of the cost. I signed up with advent cause i wanted a career and the salesman who i saw was so good at selling the course i just said yes and later regreted it. I dont care if barclays say they are not involved they obviously are and ive closed my account down in order to make 100% sure they are not getting anymore money out of me. think that in this hard time britain is in it is very very heartless and cruel and totally stupid of this company and bank to rob innocent people of their only bit of money left. I hope there is a way to get our money back cause i certainly do not want to be offer another mickey mouse computer course.!!
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