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Everything posted by FrozenSun

  1. just for note. those who have had/asked for their accounts to be frozen should be getting it in writing anyway. any changes to your DD has to be confirmed in writing as per the DD agreement. still its best to ring up and request it. as per me earlier post a couple of pages back. i never said i believed them. I'm gonna see if they have frozen my account as i'm gonna call them again today just to clarify something with them and then ask for it to be sent out via post. oh and BPF isn't actually Barclays, they just get 3rd parties to sell the loans. mines with clydesdale financial services, i know some of you are with other companies they are under the thumb of the Barclays. as i've worked in insuarance for a bit i know some of the things they have to go through that is set out by the FSA. it is quite simple that if you have a gripe about any financial body. Be it banks, insurance companies, credit cards etc then you can take it to the FSA. should what said financial body be doing is against the rules set out then they will get heavily fined and be forced into rectifying it pronto. all we can do is keep at them for some solution to be agreed on. as BRW said... get everything in writing. ask for transcripts of important calls as its your legal rights (costs £10) i'll give them till the end of the month and if nothing heard then i'll take it to the FSA and see what they say (they ain't much better tbh but anything is worth a try)
  2. i agree fully with everyone here about wanting their money back. Advent "says" they got money put away to cover you in the event of this hapening. On their website it reads like this... "We have built up significant reserves of our money, which is held at Barclays, to help train out barclays' customers in the event of something like this happening" now if i read that right, the money is gonne be used to pay an alternative training establishment for those who are will into their course and for those who have signed up for the course or paid it off in full will get reinbursed (think the email stated that). now to the more important bit... i soke with BPF (CFS) and the guy on the other side was very helpful. he told me that they only just got news about this midweek (same time i got my email about Advent) and have been up in the air trying to get this sorted. they are trying to locate a different training facility closer to where we currently are to allow us to continue at no extra cost to us..so if ya in west yorks (like me) then it may well be in leeds. if ya in the south east then you maybe looking at london or the surrounding area. there will be a letter being sent out (no time span given) stating this. he also said that they can't charge for a service if its non existant (see consumer act 1974). personally i would rather have the loan cleared off and use the money i would save to clear off other debts faster and i would of prefered to take the course direct with microsoft or do it in the DIY fasion. Saying that though, i'm glad that something is being sorted out and it not all in vain. those with a CDL will just have to live with being reloacated from what i've, but for us through BPF theres the refund option available to us if we can't be found anywhere localy. would you take a better car for the same money if your failed should you have the offer, or would you want your money back and start using the peasant wagon to get to where u need to be. (ok maybe a bad analogy...but you get my drift right?) [Edit] I was never advised to canx my DD with them... if they freeze it at their side the DD system shouldn't take the DD in the 1st place. i guess they just advising that incase the DD system fails
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