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Everything posted by Maleficus

  1. Yeah, that's an interesting read, even if the guy is clearly talking out of his arse. And anyway, if the CompuTeach course is only £1,200, then anyone who actually takes it is basically getting stiffed out of the best part of five grand.
  2. I have the same 'Sod off, you're computeach's problem now. Just keep paying us or we'll send the boys round', pretty much. So, 1 question: Are Computeach any good?
  3. Today I received a letter from BPF, informing me that my 'latest direct debit payment has been returned unpaid' and basically demanding that pay up straight away. This despite the fact that both of their call centre operators I spoke to assured me that the account had already been frozen. I am, obviously, mightily ****ed off about this.
  4. Hi all, I am in the BPF situation. I just phoned them to freeze my account with them, and they informed me that they'd already put a hold on it, and that I should now just cancel my direct debit with my own bank (Natwest) which I have now done. They told me that as they had already put a hold on the account until further notice, this would not be in breach of contract. Actually, it seemed they couldn't get me off the phone quickly enough.....
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