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Everything posted by mick0397

  1. hello chickyboy, Ive sent letter to BPF to freeze my account which theyve confirmed. Also asked for proof of receipt that theyve paid advent the sum total of 5500 but heard nothing. its been over a month now and still non the wiser. Is there anything else i can do? (took 3y intrest free in oct09)
  2. hi all. just spoke to local mp an dhe as well as us is disgusted. he is writing to BPF to try and sort this matter. Look at the first letter you received from BPF(the one with the cooling off period). Read the terms on there about not receiving what you expected from them or other parties. Intresting
  3. Im in the same boat as what looks like 6000 others. i took the msce course in oct 09 at a cost of 5500. i received my first tuition book and thats about it. i phoned the bank to cancel my dd and then informed barcleys of what ive done. was told to reinstate the payment as i owe them, not advent. bin to cab and they acknowledged this. they said to carry on and another company will poss. take over the program of study. i took on this course with the emphisis on the quality and high standard advent were supposed to give u as a pupil. Im not intrested in another company carrying on the study i will be contacting the national press to see if they're intrested in this situation. one person on there own can only make a ripple in a pond, but if we stand collectively hopefully we can make a tidal wave and sort this abomination out.
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