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  1. I still have not received an email from Advent to inform me that they are unable to continue with my training, and this course has finished as they have gone bust! Very poor as they knew about this in December 2009.
  2. Hi everyone i signed up to Advent on December 18th 2009 and paid £5950 for a MCSE course and have so far received just the standard book that these people send you. I did my own research before joining to prove this company was ligitimate. I have hardly spoken to these people and was just reading my book and taking all of this information in and waiting until 1st February for my first module when i heard about their sudden crash and insolvency. Hmmmm sudden crash and insolvency.....I dont think so. They knew there was a problem back in December and they did not pre warn anyone and kept this very quiet. They kept signing people up as if all was the same yet they knew this was going to blow up. The people that worked for them new there were issues and they were talking about re-structuring the business The director as far as i can work out is a person that uses loop holes within this industry to start a business and then fold using our own laws as a protection for him. (The guy is a low life for sure). I noticed tonight they have issued a new statement to say THEY ARE SORRY.. Just go to their Web site to view there new message. Does anyone have a picture of the Director as this would be very helpful as i would defo like to meet up with this guy and have a chat! If you do have any info or know where i can find him I AM ALL EARS Checking a few things out this director Allchurch has HISTORY of starting a company and then folding so i do believe this was a personal plan from him from the start to make as much money out of innocent people as possible and then do a runner! I have taken this matter up with the bank and section 75 seems to be the way forward after doing some research into this matter! I strongly agree with what has been written so far hence ....taking money when a company knows its going to fold. Thank you Sparky:)
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