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  1. Afternoon all, Has anyone had any dealings with RBS over this? That's who I've got my CDL with but nearly everyone on here seems to have theirs through Barclays. Just wondered if anyone had any tips on where to go from here really as I've spoken to RBS & they said the problem is with Advent & not them, so as far as they're concerned I have to start paying back the loan soon. Any ideas??
  2. Afternoon all, I keep getting fobbed off from one person to another & I'm getting pi**ed off with it now! To start with I spoke to RBS, who I've got the loan with. They said they had to stick to the rules set by the Learning & Skills Council, & there was nothing they could do apart from speak to them. I rang L & S C & they said that wasn't true, but to put it in writing to them anyway & hey'd get back to me. That was last week & I had to ring them back today as I'd heard nothing. Today they told me that Advent hadn't been registered with them since 2008, & I'd be receiving an email from L & S C advising there was nothing they could do & seek legal advice THANKS!! I then rang RBS again, who said basically I owe them the money, not advent, & it isn't their fault if I haven't received what advent promised me. With that I then rang Barclays Partner Finance, who told me they were looking for an alternative provider. When I suggested I didn't want another course provider, she said that's the agreement they had signed & there was nothing I could do about it! The only way they would cancel the agreement was if they couldn't find another provider. Surely there must be a way out of this?? Has anyone spoke to a solicitor? That's going to be my next port of call I think.
  3. My deposit of £950 was with Anglo Capital, which I've paid off. I've still got a £3,800 loan with RBS though still to pay, with the 1st installment due next month. Am I the only one that's got funding through RBS? Everyone seems to be with Barclays or have paid cash up front.
  4. Evening chaps, Has anyone sought professional legal advice on this yet? Thinking about seeing a solicitor on Monday & getting him to have a look at this, 'cos I'm a bit lost as at what to do now. The only thing I do know is I don't want to be forking out a lot of money for nothing just because some silly tw*ts that either couldn't run a business properly, or knew exactly what they were doing & thought they'd make an easy few million from people trying to better themselves & secure a decent future for them & their families. Thanks a f*cking lot! (I'm not annoyed honestly!)
  5. What about your tool kit?! Reckon you'd end up making a profit if you sold that too!!
  6. Anyone had dealings with RBS over this? That's who I've got my finance with & when I spoke to them yesterday they said there was nothing they could do & to get in touch with the Learning & Skills Council. I rang them & was told to put something in writing, emailed them but as yet haven'y received anything back. For anyone that might need it their phone number is 08450000045 & email is [email protected]
  7. Anyone taken the career development loan with RBS? Spoken to 'em today but they said there ain'y much they can do 'cos they've got to stick to rules made by learning & skills council. Sent them an email basically telling them that it stinks & I want a refund on a service I ain't had. 2 b honest I think Advent have been a joke from start to finish! The online "mentor" support was practically non existant apart from what read like a general reply to a query they give everyone, & when I rang them they just read the same reply I'd had in an email. NOT HAPPY!!!
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