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  1. thanks russ! they say on the forum that Barclays is looking for a new provider. what do you think about that? because I am not very keen on going on with the course any more after all this story
  2. Hi there, Did anyone spoke with Barclays Partner Finance? And if you did, what did they say? I have my loan with them and nobody contacted me yet. I am getting worried:( (sorry if the answer is on the forum already, but I didn't see it :o )
  3. Hi guys I am in the same position as everybody else and I am very confused of what will going to happen.How come nobody called me yet to tell me what is going on. But I got the reminder on my mobile that I have to pay next week . so I think that its almost over in that respect and they will keep taking our money. They will say if you want money back go to advent, advent does not exist any more so no money. Barclays gave money to advent on our signature and we have to pay them back. can anyone find something which will get us out of this mess?
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