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Unhappy Consumer

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Everything posted by Unhappy Consumer

  1. My girlfriend has just received a false claim for injury from a postman who drove tired on her side of the road causing more damage to her car than his by clipping door mirrors. This pushed her door mirror through the side window causing broken glass to go all over her including her face and eyes. She did not put in an injury claim but he is claiming soft tissue damage when his glass window did not break. Nor did he sustain any injuries. What kind of person calls himself a postman trusted to turn up on our doorsteps most days does this. What would Royal Mail do about this if they knew he was making fraudulent claims and why are these solicitors who text these type of people allowed to make money from it. Not only this but both Insurance companies and the police are selling them this information. Something needs to be done to stop this.
  2. I would advise you to be careful with these as they are another name invented by EquiDebt. I have just received a letter from them today and did not know who they were until I read smallprint on the back. Had this problem some time ago where my account was assigned under the name SQN Services also part of EquiDebt. They kept sending letters in both names with a slightly different ref number. I ended up writing in to Abbey now Santander Chief Executive's office to complain of conflict of interest. Claimed this was a harassment scare tactic as they were were claiming payee name should be changed as a/c reassigned. They cannot reassign the a/c via changing the subsidiary name. I have today phoned them and told them nothing other than letters with the assigned name of SQN Services will be recognised. If they continue to be aggressive I will write to Santander's Chief Exec's office and reopen the complaint of harassment.
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