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Sensibly speaking

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Everything posted by Sensibly speaking

  1. Hm. A couple of things immediately spring to mind. You do not seem to be denying your wife spent the money, therefore regardless of any legalities she (morally) owes it. Why are you looking for legal loopholes so she does not repay money she has borrowed (otherwise known as theft to take and not pay for, I believe). If I borrow money, I repay it. I was brought up that way!! If you know the CCA is in her maiden name then ask for it in that name - simple really! If they did not acknowledge receipt of the change of name and continued to write all this time in her maiden name, perhaps they did not receive it? Would you like them to be disclosing your wife's info to other people without checking they are her? Of course not! It is trying to protect her information so why not work with them rather than digging your heels in and refusing. However, the only person's credit history that is going to be ruined by refusing to pay etc is your wife's so I suppose it is up to you if you want to play around rather than simply dealing with it.
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