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Everything posted by slimblondeuk

  1. thank you so much for taking the time to help
  2. hi Post just 'clocking' in so you know i'm still here, i appreciate your very busy.
  3. Just read dibs commentsa about other issues with my agreement, are we still going the route you suggested with the letter to compliance Post,or another way with a different issue regarding the agreement, i'm kind of confused?
  4. I will quote from the default letter 'arrears' £992.72 Oustanding balance under this agreement £9872.79 Less rebate allowable in future instalments* (£1724.85) Less insurance rebate* (£0.00) Total amount to be paid: £8147.94 I hope this makes sense.
  5. do you mean the arrears or the actual finance?
  6. No probs post, i will be patient, in the meantime if i get any 'field' visits or phonecalls what would you advise that i say to them. Sorry to bother you again.
  7. OMG, I am so excited, thank you so much post for taking the time to deal with me i have read a lot of threads and your the MAN..... so whats the top and bottom of this then? What does this all mean, and what is the next approach? Again, thank you all for your time.
  8. Pictures by slimblondeuk - Photobucket right here they are again without details, god, how dim am I?
  9. Thats great news, am sorry to sound thick but i just don't understand how the £1 makes the agreement null and void. Could you please explain to me in laymans terms, and also where do i go from here?
  10. thanks post, i've just deleted the two agreements on photobucket so hopefully that will do the trick, i will then add them again without the car details, i hope to god i have been quick enough
  11. bloody hell, i dont know how to delete the thread with the agreements on
  12. Pictures by slimblondeuk - Photobucket i think i've done it, thanks for your help dawn xx
  13. Thanks Mark, i'm having probs with the agreements ive managed attachments there are supposed to be 5 but? i did that photobucket thing and their in an album but how on earth do i get them onto here?
  14. Right here are the agreements, i hope i've done it properly, i really dont have a clue! 8-)
  15. hi thank you to everybody that replied to my post, just knowing i have people trying to help me makes me feel a lot better. I shall photobucket my agreement, also in response to ozzywizard, it doesn't give a numerical date just says, and i quote: 'fourteen (14) days'.
  16. Hi wondered if you could help, I got a car from welcome in March this year, in July this year I lost my job and could not afford to pay them the full amount of 227.12, after a few months of struggling to pay I rang them, they couldn't have been nicer and said I could just pay what I could afford. Sometimes I paid £20 a month sometimes up to £50 a month, always a 'field' visit, and also by somebody different everytime as people kept leaving the company. I last spoke to my 'current' account manager in december when I paid by debit card as I had for the last 3 months, she said she would speak to me in January to get another payment from me, she also gently reminded me that I was in arrears, and I said that i understood but i didnt have a job yet and hopefully things would get back to normal. I never had any letters or anything. Then on Monday 4th Jan 2010 I got a 'Without Prejudice' default notice saying that if i didnt pay 900 odd quid in the next 14 days they would take th car from me. I rang and spoke to the 'branch manager' and said how could they all of a sudden move the goalposts, I hadn't defaulted as I had a payment plan which they had agreed to, he just kept reverting back to the original agreement. I couldn't reason with him, he contradicted himself and didnt know what he was talking about. What can I do? I have 3 kids, and an opportunity of a job that requires a car. PLEASE HELP!
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