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Everything posted by ms_smith

  1. Hi, Throw them a term "mental harassment". You can start a civil court proceedings seeking compensation for that... They will have to prove that you had set up your own business, with hard evidence, such as inland revenue statements and all... It is too late to claim constr.dismissal for you but you are still on a winning position claiming unfair dismissal, I reckon. And defamation to a character?
  2. Hey Max, I saw this site, thanks for PM. For some reason it freezes my whole IE everytime I enter this site... I had the chance to get a quick look anyway. My first impression, as being a woman was: it is horrific and wild in its layout and its advertising message, so I can wholeheartedly understand that if it was a woman who raised a grievance against you, her first reaction was nothing else than panic, being disgusted or even shocked that this kind of stuff made her feel as though she is being in an online sex shop without her consent. I also guess that the words like "pleasure" "vibrations" together were what the tracking system has caught and flagged. In my opinion, what you can do and say best during a meeting that will be scheduled in due course (unless all the charges will be dropped when they understand the whole situation themselves) is to express your sadness and apologies that anyone, ladies in particular, were offended by the content of the site you visited and who had to deal with it over the course of events but at the same time you shouldn't blame yourself for anything as it was an advert that you yourself completely didn't expect to appear. Bring on the subject of most people in the office visiting different types of website (such as facebook, ebay etc.) during working hours so you felt no different to fix your Iphone. Remember to mention you closed the site in question immediately as you yourself felt a bit disgusted that this kinds of adverts appear on internet without age access verification and may easily be accessed by kids. Oh! And your 6 years of flawless record of employment to be mentioned! Congrats for it, by the way. What they (management) will probably do as a result, they will tighten up the discipline over using internet while at work, instead of disciplining you all the way long. They are just probably shocked by the aggressiveness of that advert. I am myself still shocked! I am sure though you will all laugh at it all one day - that a stupid Iphone modes advert made you suspended from work .
  3. Ha ha ha! Love this comment to bits! (have nothing against Islam though! - if it doesn't disturb me, that is)
  4. Take care, Max. Try to relax over the BH weekend. I know it may be difficult but remember: we believe you didn't do anything wrong and we are definitely on your side.
  5. Bigredbus, if there is a limit to the bundle the limit should include only the documents connected to the company, right? Meaning - not the ET1 or ET3, right?
  6. What if they will drag their heels forever? Can I send them the copy of the bundle (according to my documents order and index and so on) "BANG! BANG!"(meaning: not much choice given if they wanted to manipulate anything more) and then say "I will send it to ET!" ? Who is responsible for sending the bundle to ET anyway? If I represent myself and I am not the lawyer, they have the law firm representing them - is it the more experienced, in legal terms, side who takes the duty of sending the bundle?
  7. The deadline for the bundle is end of next week though. There were almost 4 weeks since CMD orders to agree on the bundle but they didn't contact me until I called them myself the beginning if this week! I smell a rat...
  8. There is another issue: they have got their own documents they intend to rely on, I have got my own documents sent from them to rely on and they lied heavily in their ET3 forms. I fear they will be eager to fabricate new documents in the bundle to suit their lyings in ET3 forms, accusing me of manipulation to the facts. We still didn't fully disclose our papers or agree on the bundle. I just sent their lawyer e-mail asking for a few papers needed and his proposed index to the bundle. Still haven't got the response. How can I more protect myself from their further games? Shall I write to ET?
  9. All right Bigredbus, that explains a lot, cheers.
  10. I thought more of something like numbering the lines in, for example, the minutes from investigation hearings to the witnesses (by the way, shall I put those together with all the e-mails, letters etc. or keep them in the witness statements?). Sorry if i made myself unclear earlier, I didn't mean numbering each and every single line (I myself would go crazy ), but let's say put a number next to the text, i.e. 5,10,15,20,25,30...etc. (I am still laughing when I go through all my papers as, just to give you one out of many examples, from the day someone has delivered to HR a fabricated statement alleging racist comments from the conversation I had with some other colleague till the day this colleague got questioned, there was a period of 3 months that has passed... Imagine, in case of malicious gossipings at the workplace(which I have fallen the victim of as well), if nothing is promptly done by HR, such a period is devastating to my name and reputation at work. Of course I received that fabricated statement - saw it for the first time - only during my suspension (as they decided that I am dangerous to work environment), after 3 months from the date of that fabricated statement. Of course the person who was responsible for assesing my grievance didn't see anything wrong with that... as if people might forget some details from out of many conversations from before 3 months or just feel intimidated themselves...). It is very hard to believe that they are well known brand, exist on the market for so long but do things like that. I fear for many more Polish workers who still work for them. Well yeah, going back to the bundle. Do you think 5, 10, 15, etc. numbering next to a continuous text would be a good idea?
  11. Hey guys, Decided to start a new thread (away from that CMD of mine which is full of off the main point issues ) Have a question to experts: would you recommend putting the numbers next to the lines on the pages in the bundle or it will annoy the tribunal (while reading the whole pages)? I know there should be pagination and indexing done to the bundle. But what about counting the lines - it will speed pointing to a particular line in the text. I have started to do it, but have got the feeling it will distract the judges, let alone annoy them. Maybe I put too big numbers but anything like delicately written counting may do, though? What would you advise?
  12. Sounds like a perfect happy end . All the best for him and you too.
  13. Hi, yeah I am fine. Deadline for bundle runs out end of next week so I am writing, writing, writing... Have to go through it all again, but hopefully last time... As for UK law - I think I am overally happy with it (at least I feel more protected than in Poland), if I don't like something, I believe there is a way to put through your arguments and clap it with as many examples as possible. It all should work towards greater good anyway, isn't it? Guess what? I already wrote, anonymously, a petition to Polish officials, a few years ago, from UK, saying that I will write to ECJ (European Court of Justice) if they will continue with unfair treatment to some passengers of national rail in PL. Guess what? They made some significant changes! But - they cancelled those changes after I published my letter on a public forum and they probably traced it through my nickname and read counter-arguments that internet users were posting... Anyway, I had fun as I was on holiday in PL next day... Imagine , I am having a cup of coffee at my parents' home, working on a skirt (I sew some clothes myself... ) and then there's an info in the radio that national rail has cancelled a controversial, brought to life a few years earlier train connection... A few days passed on, they brought it back. Even the journalists were wondering why such sudden big, illogical changes... I didn't do it, man! Of course not telling everything to mummy. She would take me for a lunatic or died instantly... Sorry for offtopic...
  14. I can't agree, mariefab. I think it is every employer's worry to make sure that all employees are being given contracts, relevant training, workwear etc. As said by every lawyer in employment, every case in employment would be different and you would have to take an individual look at it. We, future psychologists, would say exactly the same about a person's life story - you can't treat all of them all the same, all the time...
  15. To me it all sounds like a dodgy commercial/advert/description to a software. They do it these days to attract customers' attention - I call is: sex by commercials or advertising. I think you shouldn't worry that much. Maybe if you posted us, privately, a link to that step-by-step actions, we would get, lol, a bigger picture .
  16. Sounds like Sainsburys are not AS Levels-friendly. Hmm, you know what, I was once ready to write to Sainsburys HQ over that issue with the passport - at the checkouts they would only ask Polish customers buying alcohol to show Passport as the ID (obviously not everyone will carry in the bag their passport on a daily basis so they are just taking a ***). Other nations - fine, just any ID. Informed my friends to take details and the employee's name and I will write appropriate letter . You can't blame me - I am Libra by star sign and Libras have got this stronge sense of justice to be done... Anyway, to me it was like race discrimination & harassment. Don't know how it is now, as I haven't heard from that friends of mine. But, as a way of undercover research, will gladly go and buy some alcohol at sainsburys myself. Or with a Spanish, let's say, friend of mine...
  17. Actually - true. Very true! Even I have in my own contract of employment (signed for 60 hours over 4 weeks) but in the same sentence there is I "may be required to work such additional hours as the requirements of my job dictate". Nevertheless, having a genuine reason to ask for a temporary, strictly confined to contracted hours workload is enough to justify speaking to HR on that matter. Or resigning - should the plea be met with refusal from management, what, in my perception, is nothing else than humiliation to a young, ambitious employee. Should such a case of possible constr.dismissal ever reach ET (as, hold on a sec! Sainsburys probably knew anyway from CV of this person his/her age and that he/she is studying for AS Levels), it would be interesting to watch...
  18. Hello! Human Rights Activist in here... From what you write and what I understand is that you were visiting a website with Iphones. Then you clicked on a link on that website and a pop-up came in. Is that right? If so, it means the pop-up was designed to be some sort of a commercial/advert, as it happens on Internet. In which case, I believe it is not your problem that you were fooled into clicking on that (dodgy) link as you had the right to assume that official websites (such as the one with Iphones, for example) have got their own policies introduced as to what time what kinds of pop-up commercials or adverts are being displayed. For the same reason, I believe, a teenager would probably see the same pop-up as well during, let's say, his break at school, in a library or even at home. I repeat, being fooled by some others' misconduct in respect of them breaking their duty to preserve authority or you expecting them (them meaning: this website, officially not classified as indecent, I assume) to keep appropriate level of that authority at all times, is not your problem or shouldn't be regarded as your own gross misconduct. Unless there is something else you didn't tell us about. Regards
  19. Hey there! Did you speak to HR Manager in the store (providing he/she is not the one who makes the rota)? The reference to the problem from someone who is above your line manager/supervisor or who makes rota usually helps, at least should help. I guess the best thing to do would be to put your plea in writing and send it on that HR Manager's work e-mail - so that there was the evidence you physically spoke about your problem with them and you yourself treated it very seriously. While putting through your arguments, make sure they feel that you are extremely happy to work there (as I am sure you are, anyway), it is just the time of your current exams session that may make you feel stressed out at work due to not being prepared for those exams (which is an obvious reaction). Being deeply apologetic (for not being able to work more hours for them at this time of year and given your circumstances) won't do any harm as it will show you care about their business as well. Try not to 'raise your voice' at any point. If they won't give you any help or support with regards to your case, you may have to choose: quit or struggle to cram in stress... If you will have to quit, you can always find a minute or two and write a letter to HQ of the Sainsbury's explaining your disappointment with that store' s management (this is actually my style of conduct , if I am not happy at the final point of action... ). I am not sure about the legal back-up - if it qualifies for any action, like constructive dismissal to ET... There is a breach to the contract though. Minor but is. So, before you leave the building of the store, in case of being forced to quit, make sure you have a copy of your contract and the copy of the roster (with your 19 hours and so on), to rely on, just in case to prove their wrongdoing. Fingers crossed they will understand your needs long before any 'black scenario'...
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