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  1. Whilst reading through some other posts about CCA's and how they need to be properly presented, I noticed a few people saying Default notices also had to be properly written to be correct. 2 Questions, 1, What is supposed to be on a DN and how should it be laid out? 2, If an account has been closed and a default placed on a credit file, can it be removed or challenged if it was not presented correctly? ( hubby had a credit card account closed after he paid a small amount of what was owing as a full and final settlement, they said it would be put down as showing part payment and a default but they would not come after remaining balance ) Thanks in advance.
  2. Welcome to the forum. Im fairly new and cannot be of help but wanted to say Hi and that Im sure you will get all the help you need to resolve this matter to your satisfaction. Good luck. On a side note, as per BRW's post, what exactly needs to be on a default notice and how should it be set out to make sure it is a correct?
  3. Thanks Cerberus, you really are a star! In that template, Itake it in this line, My previous dispute from **DATE** has NOT been answered. I put in the date as per this line, This account is in dispute with **original creditor/DCA** and has been since DATE . Scanning the receipt now!
  4. Result! The number has changed, its now either 01246 542091 or 01246 542500. PO was cashed on 6th April! w00t! So I guess I now send http://www.consumerforums.com/resources/templates-library/86-debt-collectors/574-letter-when-account-has-been-passed-on-whilst-agreement-request-is-in-dispute and mention date PO was cashed. Do I need to supply voucher ID from PO receipt?
  5. I was given the address but told there was no phone number! will call them. ( Many Thanks! )
  6. I checked with the Post office and they gave me an address to write to which I did but I have not yet recieved a reply...perhaps I should write again enclosing a SAE.
  7. Another Update.... Had a letter from Moorcroft a few days ago ( dated 14th June ) saying that they had spoken to LaRedoute and that their request ( LaRedoute's ) for £1.00 to send out info required was ignored and so our dipute was not upheld and the account has been put on hold. Also to contact them to discuss a 'repayment proposal you can afford and maintain' by return of post.I sent the PO to Droyds who were originally chasing me for the debt on behalf of LaRedoute. Still no notice of default but today had another letter from Moorcroft! Wish they would make up their minds as to who is chasing me for the money....either droyds or moorcroft!!!! Anyway, moorcroft have sent me a nice new letter dated 17th June so no chance of even responding to the first even if I had wanted to, stating Notice of possible litigation blah blah wanting a payment before 24/6/10 or to telephone them immediately. Which letter do I send them now? is it this one again? http://www.consumerforums.com/resources/templates-library/86-debt-collectors/574-letter-when-account-has-been-passed-on-whilst-agreement-request-is-in-dispute and should I add that a PO was sent with the original letter to Droyds which everyone seems to have overlooked? or should I just go for http://www.consumerforums.com/resources/templates-library/86-debt-collectors/571-failiure-to-provide-a-copy-of-the-agreement-within-the-prescribed-timescale ? Thanks in advance!
  8. Thanks for all the kind words. Im sure the boy will do good. He has a great work ethic and is a genuinely nice kid, polite and all! Yesterday, he and his father went to look at a flat for sale as he is already thinking ahead and wanting to get his foot on the property ladder. Just glad he hadnt signed any of the paperwork and then found this out! Turns out his old place of work have been saying they really miss him and would love to have him back, give him additional training and responsibilities, which in turn means more money!
  9. Many thanks...better than a slap in the face with a wet kipper I guess!
  10. My 18 year old son has just been told by a colleague that he will be losing his job. This was his first full time job as such but he gave up working shifts at a local cinema for it... Without going in to the ins and outs, what rights if any does my Son have and when should he expect payment if sacked/made redundant. He only started the job on the 5th April so I know he isnt entltled to much if anything but it just feels like hes been shafted as he has helped get the store up and running and has gone out of his way to help with various things. I just want him to go in prepared when he is told officially. Thanks in advance.
  11. Ok will keep an eye out for one and keep the envelope as suggested. Going back to my previous post, should I just ignore the latest generic copy letter they sent me rather than send the dispute letter? Like I said, it was dated 27/03 and as the letters before, was giving me 7 days to sort it out......according to their dates, my 7 days is well and truly up!
  12. Checked paperwork. No mention anywhere of a default notice. What is a default notice and how does it affect my 'predicament'?
  13. Not that Im aware of! will double check my paperwork. Pretty sure all I have are letters threatening action which never amount to much.
  14. AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! Its late and Im tired. Hubby has just read the saved letter on the PC and said...you have the date wrong dont you? Youve put thank you for your letter of 27/03/2010. I said I must have mis read it but upon looking at the letter received today, it is indeed dated 27/03/2010. The main body of the letter says about having 7 days blah blah so now Im wondering if I should just ignore it. Seems they have made a mistake sending a copy of an old letter so I might as well save my stamps and wait for a correctly dated letter??? What do you think?
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