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Everything posted by brendan498

  1. All debts need to be disclosed for DRO if they exceed £15,000 you will not be able to proceed, all debts are what is known qulaifying debts how ever some such a CSA debts are added but classed as excluded hope that helps
  2. Firstly i think the advice from many of the posters is excellent and im a Member of the Institute of Money advice by Certifcation A liability Order Indicates a debt , most poeple with one tend to have more debt so as a first prudent move seek advice from a not for profit debt advice ageny such as CAB or agencys which are regulated by Organisations such as Advice UK.just google not for profit debt Advice Agencies they will generally be able to suspend bailiff action,agree a repayment agreement or In most cases write off the debt using statuatory Instruments use it in conjuntion with the tips that poeple have shared on here.
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