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  1. It's some time ago now but I found an address to write to them and said it was their last chance. I wanted a repaired netbook or a new replacement. Unless I had a satisfactory response within 7 days I would be progressing a small claims action against them in the county court. That seemed to work.
  2. A further update on my netbook and my useless friends at Acer. Well the replacement laptop didn't arrive. What a surprise. When I contacted DHL they'd sent it to the wrong address even though my address was on the letters to them. They tried to imply that I was at fault and had given the wrong address when registering the netbook. Apparently after 22 years I don't know where I live! So the fiasco continues ......
  3. I have also recently been a victim of the appauling Acer customer service called Info Team Technical Service and Repairs. I have an Acer Aspire One Notebook. It is less than a year old and stopped working. The first part of the service worked fine in DHL collecting it for repair. But after that nothing. On the only time I got through on the phone after it was sent to them I was told that the hard drive was broken and that they were waiting for a replacement. I suspect that this is excuse no 3 on their list of top 10 excuses. Then nothing. I just couldn't get through on the phone. You hang on and on and are then connected to an answer phone. You leave a message and are never contacted back. The days went rolling by so I sent them a letter threatening legal action. Then I got a letter saying I had been referred to customer complaints. A week later I got a phone call saying that they were going to send me a replacement. In the meantime I had been forced to go out and buy another netbook - NOT ACER! So the guy couldn't understand why I wasn't happy with his great news. I told him that the replacement would be going on e-bay as soon as I received it. I'm waiting to receive it at this time and of course will it actually work? Unless you want a similar experience don't go near ACER products.
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