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  1. As a teacher, responsible for the safety of 31 five and six year olds, it beggars belief to see how many parents put impatience over safety. In school we have to go to extreme lengths for sometimes lottery type risks, yet out side our school gate is a real risk. One child is hurt on UK roads every 16 minutes. ( Welcome to Brake, the road safety charity) Everyone who parks on those yellow zigzag lines has a 'reason' - or an excuse and are only able to do so as the majority of parents do care about all the children’s safety, not just their own. The lines are there, so children and parents have a clear view of the road, before they choose to cross. They also provide a driver with a clear view of possible danger, VERY REAL danger. Having to witness and deal with an appalling accident involving a young child who did not know better and a adult driver (who was in a rush to get to her children to their swimming lesson), it seems to me that sometimes it takes a horrific accident for people to think more carefully about the way they use their vehicles. My worry as I see new parents enter the school and the same parking problems starting all over again, how long till the next accident? Why should it take an accident to make us wake up? I am not even going to go into the powerful message parents send to their children when they themselves are ‘above’ the simplest of the school rules.
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