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Martin Haitch

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Everything posted by Martin Haitch

  1. Craig, I've just been through this with PC World. Service was great up to the point where I dealt with the shop to actually get the repair started. My HP-CRAP lost video and after a little research I realised I had a good case for a repair. I approached HP who ignored me. I approached DSGi directly with my case and quoted sales of good act. They responded asking me to get an engineers report and to get back to them. I did this and was given a quote from a local firm for a motherboard replacement which was over £300. DSGi covered my costs for the engineers report and sent me a voucher for £230. In store they offer a flat laptop repair fee of £229. So far so good. Took the PC into Cambridge PCWOrld and presented my case. They didn't want to know. The engineer's report stated it would cost over £300 for the fix, but the voucher was only for £239. Very lame using an independant assessment report to refuse accepting my laptop given I had all the paperwork with me that stated they would repair. Fact is, the tech expert in store couldn't be bothered to read the information. He told me to pay the difference. Not accepting this, I argued for 20 minutes until he finally read the paperwork and then accepted. I recived my service docket number and form, payed with the provided voucher and was told they'd ship it back to me in 2 weeks. The paperwork even indicated this. 3 weeks later I am trying to get through customer support to the store, who do not answer their telephone or respond to email. This happens for three days, I then ask to make a complaint. At this point they get through to the store and my laptop is there waiting for collection. When asked why they had not delivered, they said they assumed I would come in to pick it up. Odd, given the service docket stated it should be shipped to me. Not to mention nobody caled me to let me know the service was complete. They also told me - the same individual - he had not offered to deliver. This means I am a liar even when the paperwork says otherwise. I approached PC world customer support to make a complaint. They didn't want to know. It wasn't their problem, my problem was with the Tech Guys. I called the tech guys customer support who also told me it was not their problem, go back to PC World. They only escalated my complaint when I told them I would ensure my company closed it's business account. They will call me next week. I now have my repaired laptop, which had the same problem you describe. The independant firm who quoted for the repair did so against a motherboard replacement, they recommended we do not take other measures - such as removing the heatsink and overheating the chip to remelt the solder. I can only assume this is what PCWorld has done, since my bios shows the same motherboard serial number. i.e. they have not replaced the defective part but have botched a fix. Cowboys. I could have done this myself by taping up the vent on the computer! Oh, and to answer your question.....no mention of warrenty. I'll take this up with their customer support manager when he calls me on Monday. Oh, if he calls:confused: What did I learn???....don't buy from PCWorld....especally after they admitted they sell cheap cos they buy cheap without manufacturers warranty! Oh, and don't buy HP, they are over-rated and backup purchases with support of a similar level. Fact is, no laptop hardware is reliable cos it is made to be cheap and a "consumer" product. Buy a brand which offers good after sale support.....definately not from PC World.
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