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Everything posted by wahahey

  1. I've joined this forum just to tell you this: If you absolutely insist, Orange will waive the charge. As an existing customer I don't see how they can suddenly levy a new charge, so I told them how disgusted I was and refused their original offer of a 3 month waiver. They have now waived the charge 'indefinitely'. If this period comes to an end I will probably go to the lowest tariff and pick up a pay-as-you-go for another company, as a point of principle. The more people who do this the better. The worst part is the way they try to tell us that it is for our benefit, but I don't recall being asked for my opinion... As Orange told me 'it is a business decision' aimed solely at increasing profit. But of course the increase comes at existing customers' expense, so why should we accept it?
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