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Everything posted by SPEAR39

  1. They were trying to get me to get a loan with another company to pay off my loan with them!! I've reported them to Trading Standards ,they have been great. Just carry on with what you are doing. Don't let them intimidate you.
  2. mazbck, Report these fools to Trading Standards. They are looking at them for with with a view to taking them to task!!
  3. Maybelline, Classic quote, its a pity more don't stand up to these thugs!!
  4. I'm readey for the muppets today. Thanks for the advice on this site you have been a great help. Its a shame we have all had bad experiences with these people.
  5. Let's hope you have no more bad new's. I'm going to turn my phone off and they can wait till Monday for their money!
  6. Yes, forgot to mention. Its secured. I dont have a problem paying it butits the attitude that gets me. They are so rude and nasty. They have no regard for people.
  7. Thanks, The loan is over 9 years and I have been paying it for 2 and a half. I not in arrears but my wife cancelled the DD so I could start paying it for her. They phone all the time asking what have I done with the payment and why have I not paid it.
  8. Hello, its my first post. My payment to Welcome was due on the 25th Sept. I can only pay it on Monday 5th October. They have rang today saying I must pay something today or they will issue a notice of intent. Can they do this? They were extremely unpleasant on the phone. Any advice please?
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