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  1. hmmm i m new to here so i dont know if i m posting in the right place i am 19 years old and left my uni course at xmas to reapply for another i have been on jobseekers since then and had a few odd jobs since. I have been living on less than £60 a week. I have a contract phone from before i was on benefits and you cant really get out of them very easily so that 335 a month. I can afford it but the calender my jobseekers goes in on and the dates my phone bill comes out do not match. every month almost i get charged for going overdrawn on my debit account from. it ranges from being £5 to £50 overdrawn because of my phonebill or my jobseekers coming in late. Every month i am charged between £25 to £50 for this i have tried so many times to set up a small overdraft so it dosnt happen but they wont lets me and try to sign me up for a credit card. i m only 19 i dont want one but i cant cope with them taking all this money i really am pretty broke. I have even been into the bank to explain my situation with money and my phone bill but they just sent me this snotty letter saying there fees were fair and basically i should either get a loan or a credit card. if there is anyway i can claim back the £100s they have charged me I reallly would like to. I am really struggling and all they seem to want to do is take money from people who really cant afford it. any advice would be gratefully recieved thankyou x
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