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Everything posted by irelandais

  1. Here's an interesting little Power2contact news story all the way from Ireland. We have the Power to Contact - You! Ever had your privacy breached by a company with the power to contact you, and if so, what if anything did you do about it? Like the majority of people, apart from getting hot under the collar, you probably did absolutely nothing, because there was nothing you could do, or was there?. A Northern Ireland resident, already somewhat annoyed after receiving a highly libellous letter from a UK based company with the power to contact him, had good reason to turn downright angry when a representative of the offending company then breached his right to privacy by turning up on his doorstep and proceeded to make the same ludicrously slanderous claims. While most people would at best have probably have just told the company where to get off and left it at that, this gentleman instead saw red, contacted his solicitor and took the advised course of action. Several letters and one phone call later, the company received a £1600.00 invoice for his incurred expenses. Naturally, being that sort of company, they not only ignored his letters, they also ignored the invoice and subsequent demands for payment. Not being the type of person anybody should ignore, and having been assured he was well within his legal rights, the final step has since been taken; court proceedings have been instigated against those Crewe and Purley based people with the power2contact you. Hopefully, after visiting the spectacularly beautiful Belfast Court buildings on the banks of the River Lagan, they'll stay around and enjoy the famous hospitality afforded to all Northern Ireland visitors, though that’s highly doubtful. This will no doubt be a salutary lesson for any person or company that believes they have the right to ride roughshod over the privacy of the common man. You can’t! Actually, that’s not strictly true, you can, but your wealth will be seriously reduced.
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