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Posts posted by Heckler

  1. Maybe you will get better service when you stop calling people stupid and learn to get your points across without the swearing!


    Hammy :)


    Maybe if they actually tried to help, rather than ignoring the problem (like you have).. then I wouldn't be so ****ed of and angry.


    It's not hard to sort out, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to order the correct item and send through the RAM details for the incorrect one. Just how long do you expect people to be polite and put up with their screw ups before you say 'enough'... Seems like some of you are happy to be walked over and treated badly by incomeptent employees... But after 3 weeks of screw ups, anyone would have the right to speak to some one higher up and demand it's resolution.


    But then I guess they have the same attitude you do, ignore the problem and don't try to help... Perhaps you should get a job with them, you sound like their ideal employee. :)


    Oh.. and venting your frustration on a forum and expressing an opinion of these people does not mean you are speaking with those people in the same manner... I would expect that anyone with a modicum of common sense would appreciate that I am venting my anger about those people, because I know full well that calling them all the names under the sun will not get this resolved quicker... any moron knows that.

  2. Well today they restore my account after I threaten legal action again, and give them the link to these forums and suggest they do a search on paypal cases. :)


    I should just resort to that in the first instance and send them links to here... that seems to be the second time they've caved when I've threatened legal action.


    Oddly enough, my bank account remains unverified in spite of their claims the restrictions cannot be lifted until it is... but this morning all restrictions have been lifted.


    I kinda wanted them to refuse so I could take court action... some one needs to pursue it to it's conclusion and get a legal precedent set, so that others can really start taking them to task.

  3. I purchased a couple of items from Amazon 3 weeks before Xmas... and when they arrived (Kettle & Toaster) they were different shades of red.


    The kettle was a nice bright red, whilst the toaster was a very dark red... they are so far apart in colour that the toaster could barely be called red.


    Now the images on the website make the toaster look exactly the same as the kettle, they are the same make/brand (Prestige Deco) and should be the same colour.


    Going back to the website, we notice that they have the exact same toaster/kettle in two reds... Red and Pillar Box Red... except the images on the website are identical for both toasters.


    So we call up amazon and tell them of the mistake on the 12th Dec... they are supposed to send out a replacement by the 17th (these are xmas prezzies) yet by the 19th they send an email saying they haven't yet had a response to the stock check... ? What stock check, where is my toaster.


    Cue a very long phone call (the 2nd at this point) in which I try to explain to the girl exactly what the issue is...


    They know a mistake was made in the original order and a red (identical toaster) was ordered instead of the Pillar Box Red one... they know that they were supposed to send me the correct one, and the info to return the wrong one... yet instead of this, they sent a stock check to the wahrehouse to see what colour the toaster that I didn't want is, and still never sent me the one I do actually want.


    Finally I seem to be getting through to her after about 40 mins, and a replacement toaster is ordered... I get of the phone thinking 'finally'...


    Except a few hours later I get an email confirming the despatch of the WRONG TOASTER... the idiots resent the original wrong order... So on the 22nd of Dec we had 2 incorrect toasters and an incomplete xmas present, which kinda puts the damper on it.


    Cue another phone call to amazon in which I demanded to speak to a supervisor who assures me that the problem will be resolved... and then she goes and orders another stock check and we still have no toaster and 2 incorrect ones sitting in the cupboard taking up space.


    I emailed them again today and let rip... told them exactly what I thought of their constant mistakes and that if they didn't call me before 10am on Monday, I would be initiating a charge back through the bank and they would have to come and collect their incorrect ones within 5 working days or we'd dispose of them.


    I'm sick and tired of dealing with useless people these last few weeks... Dec has been a nightmare, first I got ripped of on ebay and had to get the police involved, then paypal restrict my account in retaliation and ahve been messing me around for weeks with their incompetence and now amazon are trying it on.


    Makes me really angry and even more determined to take this as far as I can... Anyone know names and addresses of company directors for Amazon so I can complain to them directly.

  4. I am still having massive problems with paypal and their f*cking incompetence.




    So they found in favour of the seller originally... so they were notified I was recovering the funds through my bank under the DD guarantee.


    They ignore this fact, and then suddenly reverse their decision after the police get involved.


    Except they don't actually tell me right away that the funds have been returned... and I buy something for £5.95 of ebay... expecting this to come out of my bank as usual.


    Only they take this £5.95 from my balance which is in credit because of the refund... which when the DD fails (as they already knew it would) puts me into a £5.95 neg balance.


    Then the problems really begin.


    They restrict my account

    They want me to change my password (which I do)

    They want me to change my security questions (which I do)

    They want me to confirm the bank account that has already been confirmed (which I try to do) but can't confirm something that already exists and has already been confirmed... Fun so far.

    They want me to add a DD to this bank account so they can withdrawn funds (which I try to do) except no DD can be set up on this bank account because one already exists.



    Cue numerous complaints over the last couple of weeks which has seen them remove the DD and my bank account numerous times, forcing me to add them again... and they keep trying to tell me they can't confirm the bank account as it doesn't exist... which it does as I've been using it for the last 15 years.


    Each time I complain... they delete all the details from my paypal account and I cannot get this limited restriction lifted because of their stupidity and incompetence.


    I am seriously considering going back to my bank and disputing every single DD and going back as far as I can... I don't have a lot of money in my paypal account, but it's my money and I've had to suspend payments through my little website because of it... which is causing problems for my members who want to renew their yearly membership... and new members can't join.


    I've had enough of their dumb idiotic incompetence... how they can fail this badly is just beyond belief.



    Next step will have to be court action I guess.



    Then it's time to fight Amazon who are just as incompetent.

  5. If it was fine until recently, then it's likely that some of the bolts have worked loose a fraction allowing more movement. Any metal on metal contact point can produce friction and noise if not securely fastened... and can still produce it even when fastened.


    I'd go over every single nut, bolt and screw and tighten them up, if possible get some of the stuff that locks nuts, it's a liquid you can by from most DIY shops and when applied to the thread, helps stop it coming loose.

  6. Well... I had a shock on Friday.


    I appealed the ludicrous decision and won... I gave them all the crime ref information from the police, pointed out that the signature on the pod was a fake, and in the wrong name. Once more pointed out that the seller breached the contract by changing postage type.


    The police had also been given ebay/paypal info and had probably requested seller details already.


    So paypal refunded my money, not heard back from the seller yet as I asked if they had any further info from the courier.


    I don't know if it helped... but I also mentioned to paypal that I was a member here and how helpful you were at defeating paypal.. and that paypal always seemed to back down when legal action was taken... perhaps because they don't want a precedent to be set in court that others can then use.


    I had some help from another forum who defeated an ebay [EDIT] a few years ago... using some advice from there I tracked down the sellers address (ebay don't give it you, just the town and phone number), their facebook accounts, ages, dates of birth and even the fact the husband likes to play golf.


    Gotta love what you can find on the internet... and this is why I guard my privacy like a hawk and never disclose private info in public places.


    So money back = Me Happy and Xmas goes ahead as planned. :)

  7. Anyone with a legal background who can answer a few questions please?



    Am I right in thinking that the contract formed at the point of sale (buy it now auction, inc royal mail 1st class recorded delivery) is between myself and the seller.


    Am I also correct thinking that the decision by the seller to use an alternate delivery method (and not inform me) breaches that contract?


    Am I in any way responsible for the contract between the seller and the courier regarding delivery (as they are trying to claim).


    Does the fact they have a fake (either fake sig or fake POD) 'proof of delivery' slip absolve them of their responsibility to supply the item sold to me, or absolve them of my right to a refund?



    I don't have a full address for the company, but having googled the sellers names based on paypal registered name and email name (appears to be a Mr & Mrs), and on references to husband/wife in emails... and also from the name of the collection address/account number... I've located what appears to be either the Males place of work, or even possibly his company... I've also found out that he likes to play golf and enter tournaments... gotta love google. :)


    I've passed everything to the police, now waiting for them to ask for copies of the emails, and pod.


    Just need to know exactly what steps can/should be taken to convince them I know exactly where I stand in legal terms, and what action can be taken against them... perhaps if they know I'm clued up on my rights and prepared to back it up with legal action... they might back down and refund me... they've already admitted they've withdrawn the funds from paypal so they can't be taken back.. and are still trying to claim they're out of pocket... which is complete twoddle as they already have my money.

  8. Well, bank have reversed the DD so money will be back in my account within 48hrs. Seller has provided a jpeg of the proof of delivery, that has a fake signature on it.


    I know it's fake for several reasons


    1: I didn't sign for it

    2: I was home on the day of delivery, aside from perhaps 30mins when I popped to the shops in the afternoon (yet delivery was alleged to be at 10am).

    3: I use an anagram of my real name for all ebay purchases, I do in fact use various anagrams of my name with different online purchases. I do this for several reasons one of which is that when/if I start getting spam/[problem] emails, calls or what ever... I can identify where the information originated.

    4: The signature on the pod, is of the anagram name, not my real name (the name actually registered with paypal and ebay).. just the name that's given to sellers.


    So even though I'm getting my money back, paypal could still pursue me for the debt if they find in favour of the seller... who has provided a copy of the same pod to paypal... and know paypal, that is normally enough to satisfy them.



    I have made the complaint to the police, all the details have been logged and I have the crime reference number. Now.. the pod could be a fake, but a simple check with the courier will answer that one.


    So, I'm starting to wonder if the seller is an honest one... and the problem is with the courier... I'm one of those people who likes to try and think of every possible circumstance that could have happened.. call it pedantic, call it a little obsessive... until I know the facts... it's gonna bug me like mad.


    So here's a few scenarios I came up with.


    1: Courier collects, it goes through the distribution centre onto the delivery van. Delivery man, steals it, flogs it and fakes a pod... [stupid because of the incorrect name signed]

    2: Courier calls, I don't hear the door because I'm in the garden, in the bath or taking a sh*t. Courier leaves parcel with a neighbour who thinks.. I'll keep it. [Possible as I don't entirely trust the people one side, and the other side are pensioners and really sweet.]

    3: Courier calls, I don't hear the door for whatever reason, courier can't be arsed to come back later or leave a we called card, so fakes a signature and leaves the parcel by the front door... and it's promptly stolen by someone who saw them leave it, or even an opportunist f*cktard passing by.

    4: The seller is a [EDIT], the pod is a fake and I hope they get arrested for it.


    I honestly can't decide which one of those is the most likely... and I'm sure there are far more creative ones I could come up with, aliens stole it, the cat next door buried it... trying to stay optimistic now that I am at least getting my money back.



    If it turns out that the delivery courier is responsible (1 or 3) then they deserve to be fired and arrested for 1: and fired for 3:


    If it's 2: then I will certainly be pressing charges, may not make any friends doing so.. but at least the rest of my neighbours will have their eyes opened to the activities of their neighbours, and know that I won't take any crap. :)



    As for the seller, I always check feedback ratings and the types of items sold, if they've got loads of small cheap items and then suddenly large expensive ones... it raises a red flag. If there are negs, I always look for them and read what's been written, sometimes you can spot an arsey buyer being a Piers Morgan rather than having a genuine complaint.


    I purchased 3 nintendo items all within 30 mins on the 7th, one of the others has arrived as promised by first class post and the 3rd is on it's way from Hong Kong and could be here at any time in the next week or two... Will give it until 1st Jan before filing not received... but it was a cheap item (£8 inc delivery) so not overly concerned.

  9. Yeah... just thought some one might have some advice as paypal don't seem to use logic when deciding these things, and the last time the seller claimed they sent two, when I got one and paypal told me it was my responsibility to file a complaint with the police and unless I did they find in favour of the seller... The police just looked at me with a 'WTF' when I spoke to them... So seller got away with it and I'm out of pocket.


    So this time... if it goes against me, DD refund time and paypal can go f*ck themselves. :) Even if it means my members have to start sending cheques... I only ever get taken once, never again.

  10. I purchased a Wii with sports resort pack of ebay on the 7th Dec, Seller marked it as dispatched on the 8th.


    Auction claimed it would be sent 1st class recorded, so I waited for the knock at the door so I could sign for it.


    No knock came all week, and yesterday (10th) I asked for the tracking number, no response... so today I asked once more pointing out the the auction clearly said 1st class recorded, which means there is a tracking number.


    Get a reply late on Friday night saying they sent it by tuffnells couriers, and gave me a tracking number, that I can't check without their account number... and telling me they have proof of delivery with a signature for the 9th Dec.


    I can say with 200% certainty, that this signature is not mine... That I was home all day on the 9th and no one called. I received no 'we called to deliver' card, and my neighbours on both sides (one of whom is normally at home).. they confirm no one left it with them, and they never saw any delivery van. I've checked the times they were home and some one was in, with a clear view out the front windows for 90% of the working day... and they're a nosy lot who usually know what's going on.


    I've emailed the seller back, and told them I received no delivery and the signature could not be mine. I asked for a copy of the signature so I could prove it's not mine. I also told them that as they changed the details of the auction after it was bought and paid for, and sent it via an alternative method... that was not my problem. I also gave them until monday to get my paid for item in the post to me as they're really gonna ruin xmas otherwise.


    I know I can make a complaint through ebay/paypal... but the last time I got ripped of on ebay over some workbenches paypal refused to reimburse me unless I filed a crime report with the police... WTF, how is it my problem that the seller sent 1 item when it was supposed to be 2, even when I signed for it as incomplete.


    I have made sure that my paypal account is kept empty now, so that all payments go via direct debit... So I have the option to recover via the DD gaurantee... but that would leave my PP account in negative and I use the account for membership fees for the car owners club I run in my spare time... and it's renewal time for members at the beginning of Jan... Which could potentially screw over the club as paypal steals those fees towards that neg balance.


    I've praying that the seller is reasonable and honest... but I'm a cynic and expect the worst to happen when it comes to ebayers.


    Any advice on the best steps to take would be appreciated.

  11. Thanks for the replies... we did consider the weekly payment one, but even that means paying for the year in 6 months. Work it out, they want something like £5 per week, yet £142 divided by 52 weeks, does not equal £5... more like £2.70. So they're getting their fee early that way too and it's no different from the con they pull via DD.


    We have however sorted it now, reapplied for a new license via the quarterly payments, and as she had saved the money from the monthly payments... was able to cover it... plus the license starts from the new date, not the old one... so technically she's had nearly 3 months free... and if they want to chase her for it, they'll have to prove she was watching live broadcast TV, and we an email trail thanking them for pointing out she didn't need a license because she wasn't watching live TV.



  12. In all my years of dealing with rented accommodation from LA/HA, they have a set timetable they have to adhere to with regards to repairs. Each repair is assessed and given a rating, then that rating has a time scale.


    For example:

    Urgent/Emergency repairs - For things like flooding, they should have some one on call who can at least shut of the water supply and repairs should be made within 24-72 hrs (if it leaves tenant without water/heat) or alternatives provided (accommodation, portable heat and access to water).


    Level 1 - Urgent but non emergency repairs... average in my experience seems to be 30 days


    Level 2 - Non Urgent - average seems to be 60 days


    Level 3 - 90 days.



    Now, I know that's not going to be concrete for 'every' LA/HA, but they should have a guide for these repairs, and I have asked for a copy of those guidelines from the HA in my latest letter.


    As it stands, the tenant 'claims' to have reported it to the HA in August, and 'claims' they inspected the damage in Sept and agreed the fence needed to be replaced. Since then they have avoided any questions about it... which is why I am a little suspicious about things. Since then, the fence has suffered further damage due to high winds and storms, and a further panel has fallen down, and another is loose and will probably fall down the next time we have high winds.


    I was gonna take a few pictures of the damage and send them to the HA along with my letter.

  13. The panels could probably be reused for some of it, but they need proper posts putting in, rather than trying to screw it to the old concrete posts... at least one of the panels has been removed and used on the opposite side of their garden to repair part of the broken fence that side. It's obviously been bodged and repaired in the past... badly I might add.


    I don't think the fence has been destroyed on purpose, it's just a really badly built fence.. and I have no idea who put it up in the first place.


    I suspect that the HA is going to say that the tenants are responsible... which would mean they have lied to my face about the HA sending some one round to inspect it and tell them they are replacing it.


    I have written another letter to the HA, and now have a direct contact name to address it to, rather than a dept... It's going straight to the head of the property services and maintenance section.


    I've asked for clarification on who's responsibility it is, and what action they are prepared to take due to the health and safety hazard it is causing... sharp edges, holes in the ground and so forth... Wouldn't want some one to get hurt and sue whoever is responsible now would we. :)


    If I need to take further action against the HA/Tenant... Would I have to get it done myself and then sue for the removal of the damaged parts and cost of the new repair/replacement... or can I get some sort of court order forcing them to have it done.

  14. Car has no tax and is being driven on public highways... which invalidates any insurance and as the tax ran out 10 months ago, chances of it still having an MOT are slim, and irrelevant due to the lack of tax or valid insurance.


    I don't tar everyone with the same brush, just those who prove to be standing next to the big vat of feathers. :) I have made efforts to be polite and friendly, tried to introduce myself to them when we bought the house. She has ignored me every time I've tried to say hello, the latest boyfriend has spoken to me a couple of times and the kid thinks my garden can now be used as a shortcut due to the broken fence... and inspite of me politely and calmly making attempts to resolve that issue... it goes on and on.


    Will send yet another letter to the HA... I just wanted clarification on who's responsible for it. In my experience with a local authority housing department in another county, they refused to accept responsibility for a fence saying they didn't erect it, even though it was there when I moved in and was part of the boundary fencing for that property... If I'd have had this place to ask questions in 15yrs ago, might not have cost me a few hundred quid to repair.

  15. Hi


    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, please advise if it needs to be moved.


    The fence between me and my neighbours at the rear is damaged and has been since we purchased the house. The deeds clearly show that it is their responsibility and mine is for the other side and the rear.


    In spite of repeatedly being asked to repair/replace the fencing, nothing has happened. They are housing association tenants of Spire Housing and 'claim' they have notified them of the damage, and they have been out to inspect it a few months ago.


    I ahve tried raising th complaint myself with Spire, but keep getting relies saying it's not their department, and no one seems able to point me to the correct people. Letters go unanswered completely, phone calls get passed around and I'm getting really ****ed off.


    Now another panel has fallen down in the high winds of the last week or so and is laying in my garden.


    Where do I stand legally?


    Can I force them to make repairs, and who is ultimately responsible for those repairs.


    These neighbours are not exactly decent people, they are your stereotypical council housed ****, a single mother with a constant stream of dodgy boyfriends living their, probably claiming benefits fraudulently and driving a car that has no tax, mot or insurance... and is seemingly not registered to their address.


    I've discovered that they broke in and wired into the electrics of my house a few years ago, and that was discovered by the then owners... but no legal action taken.


    Need to know exactly what steps I can take to force them to repair this fence...


    I think I should report the woman over the car and benefits too.

  16. I found an energy report thing on the BG website and went through all that to give me an estimate on my yearly usage.


    That seems to think I will be using between £800-1100 in gas/electric per year... and all the ways to save money are things I am already doing... So I'm hoping that it's closer to the £800 or even lower considering the low usage we expect on the gas (only heating and hot water and heating is off for 7-8 months of the year). Good roof insulation, unsure on wall insulation as the house was upgraded in the 80's (50's build) and changed from concrete panel faced to brick faced with foundations upgraded and a small extension at the front... insulation must have been installed at the same time, most likely just polystyrene.


    All windows are double glazed, but a couple of panes have blown, one in the bathroom and one in a bedroom... PVC clad aluminium frames unfortunately so cannot change the glass as they're sealed units... No money in the budget to replace them this winter.

  17. Does anyone have any idea on useage figures and if mine seem higher than average?


    We bought the house at the beginning of July and started using electricity on the 6th July. New meters were installed on this day and the readings for both gas & electric were zero. I've had this confirmed as we had a meter reader come round the first week of August and take readings, the bills showed the correct readings and meter numbers... So I'm ok there.


    Now in that first month we only used 42 units of leccy, mainly because the house was unoccupied until mid August and we were just doing decorating and flooring. The meter read about 60 on the 15th August when we moved in. It now reads about 640 when read on Sunday.


    580 units used in roughly 10 weeks, we're with British Gas for both... No idea what sort of bill to expect next month and if we can afford it. Don't want to set up a direct debit as I know what they're like for raising them to line their own pockets with all that interest whilst people like us struggle to pay.


    Any ideas how I can work out the bill?


    Not concerned about the gas, as we haven't used any... Problems getting a plumber who will work with the old lead piping coming into the house, a partially blocked stopcock... means we have been unable to get the water pressure problem sorted yet and can't refill the CH system and get the combi boiler serviced... Finally found a plumber but he's waiting for the correct sized leadlock fitting to arrive (right when there are postal strikes) as the plumbing suppliers had almost every other size 'except' the one needed.


    As a result I have been using one of those electric fires, the modern blower type... but only for about 20-30 mins at a time and only when it's really cold... It's used perhaps once a day, usually late evenings.


    Cooking is done by electric, but we do have a very modern Belling Format oven and ceramic hob. Fan assisted so it's about as efficient as you can expect. But we don't use it a huge amount, once a day usually. We boil perhaps 3 or 4 full kettles a day to do the washing up and run a power shower (8kw) for 5-10 mins each day.


    Aside from the normal stuff plugged in, a few lamps, phone charger, dvd player, sky box, home cinema amp, fridge freezer.. I try to unplug stuff that's rarely used rather than leave it on standby. Almost all the lights are energy efficient bulbs, except for a 5 bulb halogen light in the dinning room, a 4 lamp halogen spotlight in the kitchen and a 3 lamp halogen spotlight in the office... But I am a stickler for turning lights of when not needed.


    Is my useage high?

  18. Just found this on the communications act 2004 (see highlighted section)


    I think this part supports my point entirely... Clearly states that the fee can be paid in quarterly payments on the following schedule Date of issues, 8 months remaining, 5 months remaining and 2 months remaining... Providing the payments are made before those dates... I reckon they can't object and there's nothing to stop her putting the money aside each month and paying it that way.





    FEES FOR TV LICENCES PAYABLE BY INSTALMENTS PART 1 Premium instalment television licence (including colour)

    1. - (1) This Part specifies the sums which are payable in respect of a TV licence known as a "Premium instalment licence (including colour)" which is described in the following provisions of this paragraph.


    (2) A licence of the type referred to in sub-paragraph (1) is a licence of the same description as that given in the second entry of column 2 of the table in Schedule 1 but where payment for the licence is to be made in instalments as provided in this Part.


    (3) Such a licence is only issued where the place, vehicle, vessel or caravan specified in the licence is in the United Kingdom or the Isle of Man.


    2. - (1) A first instalment (referred to in this paragraph as "the issue fee") and three further instalments are to be payable in respect of such a TV licence, and the amount of each instalment is to be £31.50.


    (2) The instalments are to be payable as follows -


    (a) the issue fee is payable on the date on which the licence is issued;


    (b) the second instalment is payable on the first day of the calendar month whose last day is 8 months before the date on which the licence expires;


    © the third instalment is payable on the first day of the calendar month whose last day is 5 months before the date on which the licence expires; and


    (d) the fourth instalment is payable on the first day of the calendar month whose lasts day ends 2 months before the date on which the licence expires.


    Completely blows their argument out of the water if my interpretation is correct.

  19. Finally had a reply


    10 October, 2009



    Dear *********


    Thank you for your email.


    I was sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the Monthly Budget Plan.


    The amount and frequency of the payment are laid down by Parliament and stipulated in The Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations 2004 (as amended). As agent to the Licensing Authority (the BBC), we have no discretion to alter these payments.


    Unlike utility bills, which are typically paid for in arrears, the television licence is a fixed annual fee set by government, which is normally paid in full and in advance, at the beginning of the licence year.


    The Licensing Authority realised the full fee was not always easy for people to find and introduced the several budget schemes to spread the cost.


    The cost of a full licence is currently £142.50. The Monthly Budget Plan spreads the cost of the licence over twelve months, six before your licence runs out and six after.


    If when applying you don?t have a licence, we?ll simply take payments for the first licence over six months. In this case the full licence fee was to be debited in five equal payments of £28.50, which totals £142.50. This pays your first licence (valid until the end of August 2010) in full.


    At this point you are then six months in advance and future licences can be spread over twelve months six before your licence runs out and six after. Future licences continue to be paid in this way, six months in advance, then six months in arrears.


    These payments are explained on our website when setting up the Monthly Budget Plan and were listed in the payment plan we sent to your address on 14 September.


    To allow a monthly payment system fully paid in arrears as you have requested would penalise the BBC financially. Instead, paying half of the licence fee six months in advance and the remaining six months in arrears, balances this out and means that no additional cost is added to the licence fee.


    In contrast, people who choose to pay using our quarterly scheme pay a £5 premium, as they are paying their licence in arrears.


    We value all feedback from our customers. The details of all complaints made about TV Licensing are fed back to the BBC, and your comments have been recorded as part of our complaints process.


    Yours sincerely


    P**e W****y

    Customer Relations

    Here's a link to the regs they memntion


    The Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations 2004


    I've had a quick look but can't see where it specifically states that the license has to be paid in advance by law... and as stated in the reply to my post, is it a commercial decision rather than a lawful one.


    They tried to make out that paying in areas is financially detrimental to the BBC...but paying in arrears isn't happening if they take the money monthly at the beginning of each month... which is exactly what has been offered to them.



    A reply has been sent asking them to clarify exactly what specific point in law demands payment at up to 6 months in advance for the year... what a surprise that they haven't replied within the time frame they lay out yet again.


    They claim that people who pay quarterly pay in arrears and yet claim that people paying monthly can't... It doesn't make sense.


    They also claim that you can pay by license stamps at £5.50 per week, which once again means paying 6 months in advance and penalises those on limited budgets.


    My friend is really struggling, I've sat down and worked out her budget each month... We've cut back in every area we can, got rid of sky and broadband and I've given her my old freeview box. We've been through utility bills and luckily she's not in arrears with anything, she's got no bank charges she can try and claim back as she's always been careful with money... But since her ex died she's lost the income he was providing for the kids and she's had to give up work as they shared the responsibility for looking after the kids, both making sure they used to have jobs on alternate shifts and so forth.


    The house is almost paid off as it was partly covered in her ex's will (they had a good relationship after the split and he made sure the kids would have a home)... So it's down to a 30k mortgage and it's just affordable providing interest rates don't start rising in the near future.


    We've cut the food budget, cut the clothes budget, swapped every single light bulb for an energy efficient one, limited use of certain electrical items such as PC's that consume a lot of power... and after discovering a site that helped pin point the extra wasted power of items left plugged in even whilst switched off... I reckon we've reduced her electrical usage by about 20% based on readings taken over the last couple of weeks.


    Even doing all that... and making sure she is getting all benefits she is entitled too... She can pay all the bills and have about £2 a week left over... and I can't see any other way to trim more money unless she turns of the central heating, which has just been turned on due to the change in weather.


    If we pay the TV license the amount they want... which as the bank returned the first payment is now even more each month (she's putting the money aside each month so it's ready to be paid), she will be going over drawn each month... you all know how benefits are paid fortnightly, yet bills are monthly, so we've moved payment dates as best we can to ensure the minimal risk of going overdrawn and incurring charges... but the budget is so slim and tight, that adding the extra £18 a month for the TV means she 'WILL' go overdrawn and risk bank charges.. which she might get back... but not for months... and the risk then is the charges will cause a spiral into debt.


    All we are asking the TVLA to do is take the payments at the start of each month and that those payments are an accurate amount based on a years license which should be 12 months not 5 or 6 months.


    She's asked them to give her the details so she can set up a regular payment, but is not willing to allow them a direct debit as they cannot be trusted with it. She's even offered to send them a cheque on the 1st of each month.


    Suggestions and advice please?


    Should she just send them the cheque each month, making sure that she is upto date and each payment is paid in advance each month... along with a letter saying that if they bank the cheque it means they agree to the new payment plan.

  20. The TVLA have a tendency to demand payment well in advance, in my friends case they wanted a full years fee paying in 5 months of £28.50.


    They were informed that this was not acceptable as she is on benefits and had just moved into her new home. She has kids, no internet and barely scrapes by with no luxuries at all.


    She told them that she was willing to pay the monthly fee if they divided it into 12 payments, but could not afford that much as it would cause her hardship.


    She has tried contacting them many times, but they simply don't reply... they just took the money £28.50 from the bank, so she contacted the bank and told them she did not authorise that amount. The bank refunded it and she also cancelled the DD.


    What would be her next step, they have tried to say that TV stamps at £5.50 per week are the only other alternative, but that is still paying twice as much as she should have to.


    £142.50 divided by twelve is about 11 payments of £11.87 and one payment of £11.90.


    Is there a law that states the license must be paid for 6 months in advance? As that is effectively what they are saying, and it's only after 6 months that the monthly amount would reduce to the lower monthly figure.

  21. Regarding the alleged racist comment... I once used the term 'you lot' when arguing with some one and they immediately tried to jump on the 'racist' bandwagon... The simple fact is, I meant you lot as in 'Taxi' drivers, especially the way they think they own the roads, can park anywhere they want, blocking access for others, think that giving way for oncoming traffic when that oncoming traffic has the right of way or generally having any manners at all... which was the cause of the argument in the first place because this particular twonk was parked across a corner in a Tesco blocking disabled bays that we were trying to get access to because my father is disabled.


    My point is... and I mean no offence by this what so ever... Certain people will jump at any chance to play the 'racism' card and will twist anything said to suit that particular perspective... The irony is, that this is in itself a racist attitude... concluding that innocuous comments are automatically racist ones... be it to strengthen your side of the argument, or cause embarrassment to aide resolving an issue in your favour.


    Either way, it weakens your standing in my opinion... much like anyone who tries to compare anyone/thing to a Nazi. You immediately lose any sympathy I may have had... which you managed to do in post 1.


    Whilst I understand your frustration in the errors caused and would fully expect them to rectify such errors and compensate accordingly for any extra expense you may have incurred... a few facts remain that weaken your side.


    1: The racism allegation... there is no evidence to support this, not even you have tried to state he did anything other that say 'you people' which could have meant anything... and your assumption does not make it the correct one.

    2: You failed to check the delivery was correct, that the items you ordered where the ones delivered. I refuse to sign for anything that I have not checked completely, and if I do sign I sign as unchecked/damaged/incomplete... No delivery drivers are gonna wait around whilst you open 20 boxes. I assume you signed for the delivery and you've not said anything about it being checked for days/weeks afterwards.


    The contract with the joiners is between you and them, not B&Q... it is your responsibility to make sure (unless your contract with them stipulates otherwise) that the required products are available for them to complete the job within the timescale they have quoted. I fail to see how B&Q are culpable for your failure to do this before they started work.


    The only thing they are responsible for as far as I can see.. is failure to deliver what was ordered and failure to deal promptly and politely to resolve the issues caused by them.

  22. I can't remember the exact figures now, but I saw some statistics a few years back when I was writing some reports to be used by the RAC.


    I can't for the life of me remember the formula for calculating this either.


    A lorry travelling at aprox 52mph is overtaken by a lorry travelling at 55mph... it will take approx 2 miles to safely overtake.


    Throw into this mix the fact that a majority of overtaking manouvers happen on uphill inclines due to the weight differences between vehicles... as one slows down more than another.


    Another thing to point out... it's a speed limit, not a target. :)


    On a clear motorway at night, I will often pull into lane 3 when overtaking an HGV simply because of the number of times I see them weaving along the road... and it's not because of high winds, it's due to tiredness and lack of attention.

  23. HGV drivers may be drivers in that they do it for a living, but I wouldn't call them professional. HGV drivers like many other "professions" act like they own the road simply because they're in a bigger vehicle than you.


    When motorways are busy, and a HGV decides to try and overtake another one it creates a bottleneck as 3 lanes of traffic try to squeeze past using 1 lane for several miles at a time. This bottleneck ripples back through traffic long after the HGV's are gone.


    I've worked in the industry managing traffic flows using live sensors, I have seen and managed these patterns and know exactly what the causes are and their effects. I also know people who drive HGV's for a living and their attitude has always been the same... I drive for a living, I'm always right and smaller vehicles had better get out of the way'... In my experience, they are amongst the most selfish and inconsiderate road users... along with taxi drivers and the stereotypical white van man. :)

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