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  1. Apologies it wasn't the OFT I should have referred to but the Consumer Credit Act whereby the signed document has to contain certain prescribed terms. Section 127. I have obtained so much information and paperwork over the last month regarding my own unfortunate dealings with AIC that I forgot what I read and where.
  2. Blimey Joolzy, they've not pushed the boat out there then with their artwork / craft class have they. I had the misfortune of dealing with AIC earlier in the month for a staggering amount of........wait for it, 380.00pounds, given to them from Natwest, who are equally in my bad books. - all of which i'm disputing. If you go onto the OFT site and download the debt collection guidance for Unfair business practices, it clearly stipulates what you should expect to receive in terms of the CCA, and what you have received clearly does not define that. Again it looks like AIC are trying to scare you, and making it look like they know more than you do regarding the issue. Good luck and I hope you get it sorted.
  3. Hi everyone, after finding this forum a few weeks ago, i wanted to put you in the picture of my situation and ask for any advice from anyone out there. Here's my story in full. I used to have a Natwest bank account with a 1000GBP overdraft. I went overdrawn with the overdraft to the tune of 400GBP. I closed the Natwest account down and agreed with Natwest verbally over the phone that I would pay 100GBP every month until the 1400GBP overdraft debt was cleared. This i have done for the last year, the amount left to pay on the debt is 381.20GBP, however, in April i was 8 days late making a payment as i was in hospital for the end of march ( payment normally made in branch on 31st when i get paid from work) I took a cheque into my local branch on April 8th, paying in book was stamped as normal, and cheque was cashed by Natwest, however i have since received a yellow warning card from Allied international in scotland,(5th may) advising me that they now had control over debt from Natwest. I rang natwest they advised that Allied would be able to offer me a payment plan but they as a bank were unable to do any thing further as it had been passed to AIC as i had defaulted. Forgive me but this being the case, should Natwest not have cashed my cheque payment, and returned it to me then as no doubt they had already passed debt over? At no point have Natwest advised me prior to this that this was their intention to pass to a DCA- isn't that in itself againt the OFT rules? Spoke to AIC on phone, Mr Mccaughnahay (or something) very rude, hung up on me told me my financial situation did not allow me to have a payment plan put in place, payment was demanded in full, he asked when could i pay, i told him that i would put asise 100 pounds per month and when i had the 400 i would pay - thereby taking 4 months, i was told that this was not acceptable and told to get a loan somewhere else. After he hung up - i initially rang him, i got put through to him again told him i didnt wish to speak to him he told me that he was dealing with case so i had to. he told me not to speak over him or dictate to him how the conversation went. Excuse me i was paying for the phonecall, i'll say what i like. Ive since sent off a 1.00 postal order to AIC asking for the credit agrement relating to this which they clearly wont have as nothing was signed, but i now want to know where i stand with Natwest as they do not have a signed credit agreement relation to this debt either as it was conducted verbally that i would pay 100 pound per month and never signed anything. I definately am refusing to pay AIC the outstanding 381.20 but can i also refuse Natwest the same, and also do i have a leg to stand on in trying to get the 1100.00Pounds i have already paid to them refunded back to me, as again there is nothing in writing that states I even owed it, or at the very least i have never signed anything? What do you think, before i write Natwest a letter keeping them in the loop. Any advice gratefully accepted, and thanks for a brilliant and informative website.
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