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  1. Hi Joox, Did you get anywhere with this? My son is in a similar position with his account, he is being charged £28 for an unauthorized overdraft for a similarly small amount - even though he didn't want one, in fact was told that any transactions would be declined. General question to anyone:- He is a student with no income and doesn't really use the account for anything do DD or SO so would be no hardship to close/dump the account. What would be the best course of action, pay off the actual overdraft amount and tell them to stick it?
  2. Just had the third letter from Newlyn in the latest mailshot, the court proceeding one just like some of the other posters. I actually look forward to them now and all the nonsense that they put on them, and I also know it's costing them money . As the advice goes just ignore them.
  3. Just an update, on to the Newlyn stage now! They have managed to up the amount owed cheeky sods but it is actually a much less threatening letter than the previous ones. Continuing with previously advised course of action.
  4. Just had the second mail from CEL - the Seven Days to pay or we'll issue a county court summons one. Still following advice, letter in draw ignore mode on!
  5. I consider myself advised and will follow the ignoring route.
  6. Just got one of the CEL invoices through the post, overstayed in a Morrisons car park by 15 minutes. Knew that this was dodgy and all the helpful information on this site has confirmed this. So as the general advice suggests I am going to do absolutely nothing. Although I am a bit of a mischievous sort and I thought I might have a bit of sport with them and see how much I can wind them up
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