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Everything posted by dizzy2d

  1. no all of the loan was done through the post and not one mention about the fee on the couple of calls we had,although we did do it through a broker who came back with welcome as a company who wuld give us a loan,if only we knew then what we know know about welcome wouldn't of touched them with a barge pole! what does this mean?
  2. Hi can anyone help! hae a loan with wf, have written a request for statment of price, what is cca? is it a copy of the credit agreement. in the copy we have it looks like they have added interest on the broker fee, but there is a small paragraph underneath which reads 'interest will be calculated at the rate of interest on the daily balance outstanding of the total amount of credit and the acceptance fee. it will be paid as part of your monthly payments.' does this mean there is nothing we can do about the interest added onto the broker fee!:?
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