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lord of war

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Everything posted by lord of war

  1. there doing the same to me too, some complete fool, has basically called me a liar today, i feel like screaming!
  2. Hiya, this is my first post, so please be gentle, i missed 2 months council tax last year, and was immediatly reported to Equita, the first i knew about it, was a letter, with huge red letters "notice of removal" on the top, with the standard bumf about a baliff, coming round my flat, and wanting to take my stuff, i phoned the number on the letter and arranged a re payment plan, this has been paid every month on the date stated. however come friday (20th march 09) i had another one of there lovely red letters, so i phoned the baliff, and asked why i had been visited, he said he didnt know, and told me to phone on monday (yesterday) so i did, and was told he didnt have my file, could i phone today, so idid, he said i had to go to the office in birmingham as he didnt know why, so i phoned there help line (joke) and was told that i had broken my argeement, with them, and i had to speak to the baliff, i said i hadnt broke any agreement, but was told that i had to pay 20 pounds a week, and i have been paying 88 pounds every 4 weeks, so in theory i am in front of my payments. i phoned the baliff back, he basically told me i was an idiot, as i should have gone to there office in birmingham, and that he will be coming round at 7 am tomorrow to remove my stuff. can i ask, if he has never been in my flat how can he remove my stuff? if my car is on finance or in a shared car park, can he remove that? what happens if i just tell him to shove off? help please iam at my wits end!
  3. Hi all, this is my first post on this forum, so please bear with me, Last year i made the mistake of missing a months council tax payment, and i was forwarded to equita, in january this year, after reciving a baliff;s removal notice. so i duly went to there office in Birmingham, and arranged a payment plan, of £88 a month, a letter was sent in the post, and a payment book too, i have kept up all my payments, and was shocked to find in my letterbox last friday a "notice of removal" with a rather rudely wrote letter telling me they were going to remove my goods ad chattels, so i phoned the man up, and he said he didnt have my papers, could i phone him on monday (yesterday) so i did, he said he still didnt have my paperwork, so i phoned him today (tuesday) so i spoke to him, and he said that i had to go into the office and speak to the people there, i also phoned there help line (joke) and they said i had missed payments, a the agrement was weekly, put i said i had paid monthly and not in default. i was then subjected to a lecture about paying my council tax on time, and that it was my fault. so i then phoned the baliff back, and he said that he had told me what to do, and that iam an idiot for not doing it, and he will be outside my flat at 7am tomorrow, however iam at work, and wont be there, but my wife will be, ive told her nt to let this man in, and i will be going back to the office tomorrow. is there anything i can do, to get these people of my back? would it help if i go to the council and ask them for help? if my car is on finance can he still take it away? any help pls, my mind is a whirl
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