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  1. See now, just today I parked in the "Set Down" bay of tescos in Northampton (under instruction of the customer services manager) because I had a rather large Convection Oven to return and a new one (replacement) to collect. It took me a total of 18 mins start to finish to drop off the broken oven and walk out of the store with my new one. As I approached my car I saw an indian chappie attaching something to my windscreen. Upon inspection I discovered it was a parking ticket (for £70) for parking in the set down bay for more than 5 mins. I challenged the attendant on the subject and even the Customer services manager agreed with me and pointed out that the ticket wasn`t needed as I had permission from the "Land Owner" to be parked in that bay. This was greeted by "Tough" "Pay the ticket or I`ll go to court". These were the Exact words used by a 21 to 25 yr old with a hat that was a lil too big for him. I`m not one for idle threats. I explained to the simpleton that I was a groundsman and that in the back of my Jeep I had an array of shotguns. at which point he jumped in his Corsa Van and beat a hasty retreat. As I already said, I`m not one for Idle threats. So I pursued him out of Tesco`s and onto the A43. I chased him for 18 miles until he finally lost control of his van and ended up in a hedge. I then found myself pulling him through the already broken window of his van and searching his person until I found his Ticket Book. As he wailed and begged for his life I removed every duplicate ticket stub, and then calmly handed the (now worthless) ticket book back to him. I foresee this as being an end to any contact with UKPC and myself. On a side line (FYI as it were) Should DVLA pass on your details to a Cowboy Outfit such as UKPC they are breaching the Data Protection Act. (The Data protection Act covers the individual and not the company) And therefore leave themselves open to prosecution. I would not advise anyone to do what I have done. But it was a lot of fun.
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