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Posts posted by squirlyline

  1. On 09/09/2021 at 07:39, The Great Soprendo said:

    Thank you!

    How does that look?

    Nice touch TGS! I would have put it in those terms too.. in fact I think I pretty much did on mine😛

    On 09/09/2021 at 15:06, The Great Soprendo said:

    I did some research on Gladstones. It would appear Willy Wonka resigned back in 2018.

    John Llewellyn Gladstone Davies is also a Director of company called Broadly Vertical, as well as a couple of others. I've alluded to it in the tweaked version, which I'll post up prior to sending.

    Also, lots of info about Johnny Boy on the internet ...

    Interesting stuff, well done on unearthing this! This will keep the confidence going in taking them on.. and down!

    On 09/09/2021 at 15:29, The Great Soprendo said:

    I possibly got a bit carried away with the letter? 

    Would love to have seen the content in the letter, perhaps a redacted version (for liability's sake) would be good or maybe PM me
    .. ok just spotted the new letter you posted on the next page so don't worry unless it is significantly different!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Congratulations, well done for sticking it out!


    Thanks from me too.. on getting back on this!


    All this extra information and points made help in future handling of potential further procedures and hearings. Particularly picking up on the fact of a lack of parking bay demarcation along the sides of the road to complement the request to park on the signage.

    I have not heard for a little while now, since the last threat sent with their 'case' evidence package (which is pitiful in its conviction anyway); mine is issued with only a paltry 2 mins contravention.


    I can't see how they can continue to prosecute at these late stages as they have evidently lost both many cases and presumably the costs of processing them for either themselves or their clients.

    If there is an opportunity to counter on them and it adds up, I would give it a go, they definitely deserve it!:pray2:

  3. I was just wondering if there is any need to reply to this last letter (as it is not an LBA).. 

    I presume not, or just leave it till they feel like wasting more money on the cause and send me further demands?


    Also just to highlight one of the contradictions I was referring to earlier; at the end of the letter it offers me 60 days to pay up and then goes on to give me only 30 days,

    does this give them less credence from a legal perspective?

  4. Hi again, looks like Gallstones are back for another round in the ring... it appears these guys just can't get enough being slapped around and wasting paper!

    In my opinion there are a couple of glaring contradictions in their cover letter to me. Plus inviting me to come in and be fined is a bit weird!  They also inserted a 3rd photo of the car spanning the immense period of 2 minutes.


    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, ericsbrother said:

    I would send the original letter and dont try and justify anything about post, deemed service etc as it will justcreate more trouble than it is worth.


    Got the slimmed-down version, thanks to dx100uk (as adjusted in my relevant post above), handed in this morning at the mobile post office; and no mention of post regulations etc.

    2 hours ago, ericsbrother said:

    To help with that send a copy to the client, UKCPM so they know that whatever Will and John tell them there is no such thing as an easy killa nd their solicitors may have just ceated more trouble than they have solved

    Sounds like a great idea.. that may put the cat amongst pigeons! Hopefully they may start arguing amongst themselves instead😁

    Should I send both letters to them then?


    And would I add something by way of introduction; something along the lines of:

    'I though it may be instructive for you to know that your solictors (Gladstones) cum private parking association (IPC) are misleading their clients in what can reasonably be considered a contractual parking infraction and hence chances of failure at court. Please see copies of my two recent letters to them below:...'

    Also I presume to letterhead with my address and date, and print name below!

  6. On 26/03/2020 at 11:17, ericsbrother said:

    ..in short, dont take their crap and give them some back. They know that this is as dodgy as hell becasue even their bought and paid for adjudicator found against their client so they know that they wont get a payday but are hoping you dont know how to use the interweb


    Just wondering what you think of the letter I drafted above. I'm hoping to send it out in the mail tomorrow when the mobile post office arrives in the morning.

    Andyorch suggested that the Postal Services Act 2011 was the correct legislation for when a letter is deemed served; I presume it is still 2 days as mentioned above (I couldn't find the relevant part in it)


  7. 20 hours ago, Andyorch said:

    the relevant legislation is the Postal Services Act 2011

    Thanks Andyorch

    I've had a look at the Services Act and it looks like a bit of a minefield to try and find the relevant item, I have tried to search within it to no avail.


    Do you think it is sufficient to simply swap out in the reply letter 'Civil Procedure rules' with 'Postal Services Act 2011'?

  8. On 25/03/2020 at 02:47, dx100uk said:

    for the sake of a 2nd class stamp no harm in repeating it


    On 26/03/2020 at 11:17, ericsbrother said:

    but add that the Civil procedure rules dictate that the letter was deemed served 2 days after you posted it so in law they did receive it. Ask if it might have been left on the 12th green


    Thanks for your replies dx100uk and ericsbrother,


    I am going to reply back to them in the same manner that I received from them.


    Here's a draft of my reply for you to approve (there may be some contentious parts that you think should not be included here):


    Dear Gladstones Solicitors / militant wing of the IPC,


    I am writing back to you as I notice that you have failed to acknowledge in your letter dated 17th of March '20 (received 21st March) receipt of my letter dated '9th March '20' and have instead just repeated the same LBC statements. A copy of the letter I sent is attached for ease of reference. 


    I am quite satisfied that I have sufficient evidence to support my position that no contractual parking contravention occurred and, if necessary, will present this evidence in Court.


    Now, I'm sure I have taken up sufficient time of yours reading and processing this letter to require another leisurely round on the fairways.

    I look forward to your total denial of receipt of this letter.


    Yours faithfully



    BTW I am not putting a sender address on these letters; so they can't do a RTS wrong address or something

    • Like 1
  9. Hi,

    I received another LBC letter from Gladstones on Saturday 21st (dated 17th), stating the same as before requesting registration and response by 31st referencing an enclosed copy of their previous letter as if they had not received my letter in reply (of course I got a proof of postage receipt)!

    Seems to me like they want to feign no knowledge of it!

    What should my next step be; another reply via 'signed for' referring to an enclosed copy of original letter perhaps?


  10. 8 hours ago, dx100uk said:

    and you've been here 10yrs+ and you ask this question...amazing...

    you never ever use email. phone, websites or text to anyone ever...


    writing only.

    I understand your derision, dx, as this field is your bread and butter and such questions may be repetitious and possibly enervating, but although I have been a member of this group for over 10 years I have not had purpose to use the site for a considerable length of time and never for the requirement of defending against private parking which demands a grasp of the small claims process and court procedures. However I have been reading around posts etc in regard to this in the spare time I have available, but had not found anything that stated it unambiguously, which is why I asked. For the uninitiated there is a considerable amount to take in, however your help is always appreciated.

    • Like 1
  11. 22 hours ago, dx100uk said:

    not that bit no.


    22 hours ago, dx100uk said:

    I've tidied EB's post…. just copy n paste to put it in a letter 

    with theirs and yours Ad and ref the PNC Number.

    Thanks, did you tidy EB's post above dx, as I didn't notice any changes on it.

    Am I to reply to them using the PAP form on their website then, as they are requesting?

    22 hours ago, dx100uk said:

    do not sign it.


    PC print your name only

    Sorry what does PC mean here? (Please comply?)

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