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  1. SJ IGNORE them. I got done at a TESCO for parking in a disabled bay, i have only received 4 letters from them and 2 of them were FINAL DEMANDS. I have not had any letters since may now.
  2. I have received the same letter 2 days ago, it says i have 7 days to respond. well lets see what they do after 7 days. i too have not responded to any of these stupid letters.
  3. No they dont call it a fine. i will ignore this letter and keep this site informed of my progress. Thanks for the advice:)
  4. Thanks. I have recieved the initial fine through the post, complete with a picture of the back of my car, which i thought was a bit strange due to the dispute being about displaying a valid permit, which if i had one would have been in the windscreen. i have found some template letters on this site, should i send them one of these or just ignore all letters from them and pretend it didn't happen. i dont want to worry myself about this.
  5. Hi all I'm new to this site, but could do with some advice regarding a ticket i got from UKPC for "parking in a disabled bay without displaying a valid permit." This was in my local TESCO carpark. now i did park in this space but was unaware it was a disabled bay as the rest of the carpark is parent and child, which is why i parked in the area as i had my daughter with me. i was going to appeal to them regarding the lack of eye level disabled bay signs. but after reading this thread im wondering if it is worth it. Any advice please. Thanks
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