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Everything posted by tuscan_al

  1. So do I even send the first letter from the template here or not even bother with that, I value your advice. A
  2. I have read through all the advice after recieving a PPC from Athena ANPR this morning, I know what I need to write to them, but is it acceptable to email rather than post a letter or should I post it?
  3. Thats my view of thinking too, but once you open the box, comet can charge upto 10% in returning an item to cover "reboxing". So will cost me £82.
  4. I purchased a Apple Macpro and haggled the price down as ong as I took the optional TPC. I did, and have read through the care and its not that good or what I wanted, as they have only insured the laptop for the price that they discounted it to, which is not enough to replace it with a new one if needs be. Anyway I went to the store as you can go back there or send the certificate away to cancel. They say I can cancel but will have to pay the difference of the price in store and the discounted price I got the laptop for, as I only got it that cheap because I took the cover. Now are they right in doing this, the product was discounted but I still have decided that I dont want the cover, and its tough surely that they want their difference back?
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