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Everything posted by vimto1

  1. I found a letter template last night to send to a catalogue I hold. Asking them to provide me with my signed credit agreement. As a newbie, I seem to have got lost along the way... again... and can't find the template. Can someone pleased link me to the template, or tell me where to look?? Thanks
  2. I am a single parent to a young child, going through divorce as we speak. Myself and my 'husband' have a joint loan with a bank and I'm not really sure where to go from here. Basically, my husband stopped paying the loan repayments over 5 months ago, and with me relocating I haven't been able to get a job yet. So I am currently living on benefits. He hasn't updated his contact details with the bank so they are phoning me (up to 4 times a day) for the payments to be made. I have expressed that our agreement was he was to pay the debts, but he has decided to leave it to me. From here, I really don't know what else to do. I have an appointment with CAB coming up next week to start things moving on the loan, but also feel 'well why should I pay off his part??' when he isn't making even the minimum payments? Any advice or pointing in the right direction is greatly appreciated.
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