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leave the uk

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Everything posted by leave the uk

  1. has anyone got a letter they have drafted?. im terrible at that sort of thing. and whats a ccad? x
  2. hi peps, i had an issue with paypal and ebay last year. i sold some wii's and xboxs which i bought in bulk to raise some cash, as we all like to do. the items were bought by someone which was fine. a few weks went past then i get an email from paypal for a dispute against me saying the items had not been deliverd. to cut a long story short i was conned and the buyer said he never had them, i deliverd them personaly so didnt get a signiture. i argued with paypal and ebay about this but to no avail. i end up with a letter from the famous intrum justica oweing the buyer the full amount £1800. i had no why of proving that i had deliverd them so had to pay to avoid bailiffs calling which i was threatned with. i have been paying £20 a month for 9 months then when i phoned to make another payment the bill had gone up to £2600. (fell of my chair) they said it was another claim made against me. i dont even have an account anymore with ebay or paypal. when i questioned this they said contact paypal.....i have done this numerouse times but have heard nothing back. think i might just stop paying and leav it see what happens, what you think?
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