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Big Fella

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Everything posted by Big Fella

  1. Hi PGH, Freedom didn't respond, hence posting again. Regards, BF
  2. Hi Surfer, We don't need a pass and unfortunately, the gates are permanently open. I'm concious also that if they don't clamp when inside the gates, which Davies did, they will clamp it if they see me parked somewhere.... I can only assume that the only option is to write to them today as moving back on Friday and so any advice or suitable worded letters will be most apprewciated. Thanks,
  3. Hi All, To cut a long story short, my car will be clamped when I drive back to my flat (I've been away for a month) and would like advice please on what to write today to both Davies Enforcement and Dkb, to stop this happening. During the early part of last year, I was given a number of parking tickets whilst dashing around to buy kit for last minute contract away. To keep it brief, I was away for some time and when I arrived back, my car was clamped by Davies Enforcement. I paid that and agreed to make monthly payments for the remainder. However, they set the amount very high which I advised them I couldn't afford but they wouldn't accept less. I made the first 4 but am not able to pay last months and so called them before it was due to advise and ask if I could make a smaller payment. They wouldn't agree and said that I had to make the amountor they would clamp and tow my car away. Due to my job and where I live, I can't work without my car. I'm about to drive back and am really worried that they will clamp it as soon as I arrive back. I can't really hide it and can't risk the car being clamped. So I was wondering if anyone is aware of a letter that I could post recorded delivery today, which will make them stop and think and therefore not clamp my car. I am genuine and will make an intial payment as a token gesture and then pay off at the worst case with 2-3 months. DKB clamped my car last year and point blank refused to accept any instalment offer and so I need to send the same letter to them. This is really worrying me and so any help will be greatfully appreciated. Thank you. BF ps. Davies clamped my car whilst it was on private property in a car park below the flats (gate was open) and I'm not sure if they can do that?
  4. Hi Freedom trail, A couple of weeks ago you mentioned that you would happily advise of the steps that I need to take to stop both Davies Enforcement and Dkb clamping or towng my car away, in relation to parking fines from last year. Are you still happy to advise? I've put off driving back to my flat until rectified but need to drive back this Thursday, due to meetings on Friday. I'll happily post my address here as the administrators asked me bot to pm as requested. Please do let me know if your happy to advise as to what letters to send as any help will be gratefully appreciated. Thanks in advance. Regards, Bf
  5. Hi, I atempted to pm you as requested but was advised by the moderators that this breaks forum rules as information is here to be shared. I only joined the forum yesterday and so was unaware. So would you be so kind as to email the process-letters here please. I'll answer your questios with as much detail as I can. I've put off driving back until Monday or Tuesday and so that should give me a litle more time. Thank you in advance. Bf
  6. Hi Watchout, edited I'm a protection officer and used the following to record calls to a principals mobile. Very simple to use, you can plug into both landline and mobile and the call clarity is excellent. The recorder is also very small and so fit's conveniently into your pocket. Search for the following: Products Telehpone recording equipment for the recording lead Then recording equipment for the recorder. It's about £160 in total I seem to remember but if your looking for quality, it's of a high standard. If you live in London, they're based in Portman Square. Good luck. Bf
  7. Hi TFT, There isn't any kind of court action no. Unfortunately I'm not able to afford a clamp at this stage. I could stay where I am until this is sorted and they won't find me here albeit I do need to get back quickly to chase the funds that I'm owed. I'll happily pm my email address if that would be easier or post here, which ever is more convenient. Once again, thank you for your help with this. Bf
  8. Hi Pgh, Once again, thank you for your advice. Unfortunately the tickets were issued before I left and the job was a last minute contract. I'm a protection officer and due to where I flew too, had other things on my mind..... The fee eccalated due to being a number of tickets (lesson learned)! I wasn't aware that they couldn't enter like that. When my car was towed the first time, Davies Enforcement towed it from the underground car park, which I assume is classed as private property.
  9. Thanks PGH. Can they legally come into the underground car park where my flat is and clamp? I'm away at the moment but back at the weekend and know they they'll turn up as soon as I arrive.
  10. Hi The freedom trail, What is the next stage? I'm concious that if I need to send letters, that I will have to post today. Regards, Bf
  11. Hi Freedom, Were council related and so not from a private company. Unfortunately, I didn't keep the original tickets or reference numbers due to constantly flying off at the last minute. Your help is very much appreciated.
  12. All, Any advice or letter templates for this will be gratefully appreciated as I have to post today, due to driving back over the weekend. Kind regards, Bf
  13. Hi A127, Thanks for your response. The fines (there are a number which I meant to deal with before I left) were from a council yes. Unfortunately due to being owed over £14,000 from a client, I'm not able to pay on a credit card and so only able to offer £20 or so to both Davies Enforcement or Dkb should they accept. I'm getting worried as if I post a letter, I will have to post today due to arriving back over the weekend. Any letters or templates really will be appreciated. Thanks, Bf
  14. Hi All, To cut a long story short. Is anybody able to advise of a suitable urgently required letter please. Last year I received letters from Davies Enforcement and Dkb debt collection about outstanding parking fines. I went away on a contract and completely forgot. When I arived back, Davies Enforcement impounded my car, which I duly paid £1100 to get released and made an agreement to pay monthly amounts which although were too high, they said that they wouldn't accept less. I have been paying but due to chasing clients for money (self employed), there payment is now due and I'm not in a position to pay. They have said that they are going to clamp or tow away my car again. Dkb have said that unless I pay the full amount of £510, they are also going to tow my car away and they won't accept aninstalment plan of any amount. I am away at the moment but driving back over the weekend am seriously worried that one or the other will tow away my car on Monday morning. I am genuine and would like to make small payments to show willing for two months, when I will be in a position to pay the full amount of both off. Is anyone able to advise of a letter template that I can use to make them agree to allow a small instalment amount for the next 2 months? I have called both but they are unwiling to help and so hopefully a letter will work. I have to post today due to driving back over the weekend. Any help will be gratefully appreciated. Thank you in advance. Bf
  15. Hi all, I need to write letters to two debt collectors (Davies Enforcement and Dkb) in relation to parking fines that I received and urgently requuire help if possible please. I received the tickets just before leaving on an overseas contract and completely forgot about them. Davies Enforcement towed my car away and after I managed to find the fee to pay them, they agreed to release it. We made an agreement (it was much more than I could afford but the minimum that they would accept). I have contnued to make payments however am not able to make tis months instalment and they have flatly declined (I spoke to them on the telephone) to reduce the amount. Dkb have insisted that unless I pay the £500 outstanding, that they will clamp and then tow my car away. They are not prepared to allow me to make instalments and insist on the full amount. Is anyone aware of a letter that I can write which will make them listen. I am genuine and would like to make smaller amout for two months. I will then pay the amount outstanding in full (I have recently signed a contract and am taking a retainer). I am away at the moment and so my car is safe. However I'll be back at the weekend and I am worried that they will clamp early on Monday morning or two it away. Also, is it possible to transfer the car into my fathers name quickly so as to stop them doing this? Any help or advice will be gratefully appreciated. Kind regards, Bf
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