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Everything posted by thebeach2002

  1. lol if you do i will come with you roll on next christmas
  2. hiya thanks odc for that, i did feel it is a shot in the dark for them , as they said that their client cabot finance said that as a goodwill gesture they were prepared to accept £50 pm, when cabot were the company before them who tried this with me, mh are so chancing their arm to go as far as pretending that they are collecting for another company cheers again
  3. hi many thanks for that, is there anyway that i can see whats , what, eg what they show, i take it it would be experian anyway thanks again gary
  4. well if the debt collection companies collapse then good, as they are a bunch of bullies and a lot of the time cause a lot of fear in people who cannot pay
  5. hiya, nov 07 i was contacted by a company who sent me we need to contact you letter, i fel for it was told i owed £3500, i told them i didnt recognize the debt i heard nothing,then a cabot company tried the same thing, but they said i owed £4200, i told them i didnt recognize the debt, and that i needed the original agreement and and proof of payments , many months later i get a offer if i pay half of the amount that would be the end of it, i sent a reg letter saying how can i pay something i dont owe, well surprise surprise, i get a leter now from mh last nov saying the same that they need to talk to me, i ignored that and i have just now received another mh leter saying that i owe £4900 and that their clients cabot wil except £50 pm for 123 months or else. i thrown the leter away, should i innore any future leters from them even if they threaten court or baylifs, or should i write staing the same thing as before, the so called debt has risen by£1400. carbot said it was for a barclay card from 97 and that i had paid in 2002 but i disagree cheers gary
  6. hiya, nov 07 i was contacted by a company who sent me we ned to contact you letter, i fel for it was told i owed £3500, i told them i didnt recognize the debt i heard nothing,then a cabot company tried the same thing, but they said i owed £4200, i told them i didnt recognize the debt, and that i needed the original agreement and and proof of payments , many months later i get a offer if i pay half of the amount that would be the end of it, i sent a reg letter saying how can i pay something i dont owe, well surprise surprise, i get a leter now from mh last nov saying the same that they need to talk to me, i ignored that and i have just now received another mh leter saying that i owe £4900 and that their clients cabot wil except £50 pm for 123 months or else. i thrown the leter away, should i innore any future leters from them even if they threaten court or baylifs, or should i write staing the same thing as before, the so called debt has risen by£1400. carbot said it was for a barclay card from 97 and that i had paid in 2002 but i disagree cheers gary
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