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  1. Ce2 simply demand your day in court and see them back down and don't let them proft by passing it on to W Smythe by getting a rubber stamp from the courts. Name and shame the owners of the car park This site seems to have a virus called Gacbot that deletes posts for no good reason at all so here is more for you to eat
  2. All my posts on this subject keep getting deleted and i can only guess it's because i give out the name of OPC's directors. It's not slander it's a matter of public records who owns the list of companies that is already published on the internet and anyone can pay a fee to look them up in much the same way as OPC pay DVLC for our details. Other forms don't seem to have a problom and you can feel free to close my account if members are censored to such a degree.
  3. Thats nothing i got a car from ebay that cost £4000 for a 2007 car and it had a 3 page list of faults after it had been bodged up after a accident and eBay seem more intersed in protecting the seller who happen to have had eight other eBay accounts and was selling cars all over the place. Don't give in if you have been ripped off, keep chipping away at them so they don't get the pleasure of thinking they got away with a fast one.
  4. eBay are becoming a total joke. I purchased a 2007 car via eBay only to discover the car needed major work after it had been involved in an accident and put back on the road with 3 pages worth of faults including serious safety problems. I had arranged to meet the so called private seller at his house but at the last moment I took his offer up to meet him at a retail park since I did not know the area. The car didn’t make it home and it turned out I was given a bogus address and so asked eBay for contact details only to be given half an address and a fake phone number so I stared digging around and soon discovered this person had no less than eight eBay accounts with many closed down after eBay members had been conned by this motor dealer. Now I suspect eBay are more than able to track IP addresses and bank details than I am and to me all they seem to care about is their sales fees and that’s why they keep letting persistent offenders re-register new accounts to hide previous bad exposure and how come I could track this person between various accounts and eBay were unable to do so. Moving along I finally got the Trading standards to take the case on and they have been left waiting three weeks by Ebay for details of the various accounts used by this person as they are inundated with such calls. In an effort to track this person I produce some software that scans eBay web pages and pulls out contact details like phone numbers and I soon discovered many hundreds of thousands of eBay accounts that are private are in fact being used to sell several motors a month which makes those people involved quite suspicious indeed and yet once again eBay pretended they are unaware of this activity. Don’t take my word for it you can see the results at http://www.Ebuster.co.uk which lists cars from eBay together with technical specs and a list of other cars the seller has sold in the past. GoofBay.com is quite similar but tracks all eBay items. During the development of the software I soon discovered many eBay pages were not as they appeared and had suffered from Javascript injection because eBay have failed to protected against such attacks despite it being first year ‘IT’ student stuff to protect against and so I pointed these pages out to eBay where the users is presented with a page that looks like it’s a eBay page and asked to contact the person selling the car via email and yet eBay have failed to remedy this leak which leads me to the conclusion that they are not so much unable to remedy the problem but are in some way involved in this activity. Anyone that has been caught out by such a [problem] in recent weeks need only contact me and I will provide them with evidence that eBay has been made aware of the situation and have failed to act in the interests of the public on a mammoth scale. I’m sure some people that are reading this don’t feel that eBay could be so bad but before you become entranced in that way of thinking I recommend reading http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/02/24/ebay_shill_lawsuit/ and then see how much software is available to combat this illegal practice. My final bit of advise if you have trouble with eBay is not to contact eBay as the first thing they do is hide the evidence by removing the pages and then have the cheek to suggest that deal was struck outside of eBay and in my case the persist in sending emails in a foreign language despite me informing them on many occasions that I’m English and can not read what they are saying.
  5. Buying a house at the moment ! Don't it quite simple. Read up on tulips and then sign up for something that is well over priced for the next 25 years of your life or sit back and watch prices crash. This crash has not started and yes i predicted £1.10=1euro but i was wrong it's now 1.06 to the euro.
  6. I purchased a 2007 car via eBay only to discover the car needed major work after it had been involved in an accident and put back on the road with 3 pages worth of faults including serious safety problems . I had arranged to meet the so called private seller at his house but at the last moment I took his offer up to meet him at a retail park since I did not know the area. The car didn’t make it home and it turned out I was given a bogus address and so asked eBay for contact details only to be given half an address and a fake phone number so I stared digging around and soon discovered this person had no less than eight eBay accounts with many closed down after eBay members had been conned by this motor dealer. Now I suspect eBay are more than able to track IP addresses and bank details than I am and to me all they seem to care about is their sales fees and that’s why they keep letting persistent offenders re-register new accounts to hide previous bad exposure and how come I could track this person between various accounts and eBay were unable to do so. Moving along I finally got the Trading standards to take the case on and they have been left waiting three weeks by Ebay for details of the various accounts used by this person as they are inundated with such calls. In an effort to track this person I produce some software that scans eBay web pages and pulls out contact details like phone numbers and I soon discovered many hundreds of thousands of eBay accounts that are private are in fact being used to sell several motors a month which makes those people involved quite suspicious indeed and yet once again eBay pretended they are unaware of this activity. Don’t take my word for it you can see the results at http://www.Ebuster.co.uk which lists cars from eBay together with technical specs and a list of other cars the seller has sold in the past. GoofBay.com is quite similar but tracks all eBay items. During the development of the software I soon discovered many eBay pages were not as they appeared and had suffered from Javascript injection because eBay have failed to protected against such attacks despite it being first year ‘IT’ student stuff to protect against and so I pointed these pages out to eBay where the users is presented with a page that looks like it’s a eBay page and asked to contact the person selling the car via email and yet eBay have failed to remedy this leak which leads me to the conclusion that they are not so much unable to remedy the problem but are in some way involved in this activity. Click but don't buy 2002 02 Reg BMW 316ti SE on eBay, also, BMW, Cars, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 17-Dec-08 15:33:34 GMT) Look at the righthand side and note the menu does not work. Anyone that has been caught out by such a [problem] in recent weeks need only contact me and I will provide them with evidence that eBay has been made aware of the situation and have failed to act in the interests of the public on a mammoth scale. I’m sure some people that are reading this don’t feel that eBay could be so bad but before you become entranced in that way of thinking I recommend reading http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/02/24/ebay_shill_lawsuit/ and then see how much software is available to combat this illegal practice. My final bit of advise if you have trouble with eBay is not to contact eBay as the first thing they do is hide the evidence by removing the pages and then have the cheek to suggest that deal was struck outside of eBay and in my case the persist in sending emails in a foreign language despite me informing them on many occasions that I’m English and can not read what they are saying.
  7. Tonight I went out for a meal only to find all the parking spaces had been taken apart from 6 disabled space that did not have a single disabled user using this special service put on by out terrorcrats and so I decided common scence would rule the day and opted for a meal. OPC were nice and left me a parking ticket and not only will I not pay but I will also be calling for the local councillor to step down from office as he is ultimately responsible for allowing the thugs to set up honey spots primed for motorists and this behaviour does nothing for disabled drivers who I do respect 99% of the time and they themselves should demand a end to this type of action being carried out in there names. It’s not just about defend your rights it’s about taking the streets back from this [problem] artists and I will be happy to spend hundreds of hours defending the publics freedom and exposing local councils for what they are.
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