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Everything posted by y2jonesuk

  1. Hi, new to this and having the same problem with rossendales. Have just paid Rossendales £866.00 since september only to find myself now owing £137.00 default charges. I have been told that if I don't pay the charges by 16th December, then the car outside our house will be taken ( which is not ours) . They say that as i have no letter from them on agreeing a payment plan, (which was agreed on the phone) then i have not got a leg to stand on. Also, i have tried to phone there main office only to find myself on hold for 30 minutes at a time. And when they did finally answer, only to be told, that unless i have the exact time and date of the call when the agreement was made, they will not be able to cancel the charges.
  2. Hi, new to this and having the same problem with rossendales. Have just paid Rossendales £866.00 since september only to find myself now owing £137.00 default charges. I have been told that if I don't pay the charges by 16th December, then the car outside our house will be taken ( which is not ours) . They say that as i have no letter from them on agreeing a payment plan, (which was agreed on the phone) then i have not got a leg to stand on. Also, i have tried to phone there main office only to find myself on hold for 30 minutes at a time. And when they did finally answer, only to be told, that unless i have the exact time and date of the call when the agreement was made, they will not be able to cancel the charges.
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