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Everything posted by ndavenport794

  1. hi i am new to this site and very worried, i received a letter yesterday from hfo stating that i owe them £1440, when i phoned i got a very aggressive woman who said i took a loan out in 2004 from welcome finance and it wasnt paid i honestly dont remember taking this loan out as it was a very bad time in my life, i was told that it had gone up2 nearly 2 grand now and i could either pay £1000 now and clear it or pay monthly instalments or they would come to my house. I phoned welcome finance and they said that a loan was taken out for £1000 in july 2004 and wasnt paid. I accept responsiblilty for this and would like to clear it but the aggressive woman from hfo wanted me to make unreasonable payments each month and wouldnt budge, i had to leave work last year due to serious family problems and am on family tax credit with 4 children and dont no which way to turn.
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