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gustavius rex

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Everything posted by gustavius rex

  1. I am impressed. Started reading today and couldnt stop. This is more than just a fight for rights, but, may change history. Go and get them, but, do not forget that the law is never on Joe's side, but, always on the side of the money.
  2. JonCris, Have you ever heard of a polititian coming from a real background, having made money and then turning in to politics as a thank you to the society that made him rich??? The answere is no, here politics IS the way to money. As for military experience, could you imagine Blair or Brown or Mandelson or the chinless wonders in the military? As what?? We need change and I've got some ideas I want to share with the smart set here. Just give me some time to put it together.
  3. Guys, the sad truth is that this cosy relationship between government and money has been there since the stone age. We have allowed it to remain that way and we forced the only party that at least to some point represented the vast majority to be ruined by Blair, Mandelson, Brown et al. In the UK we are conservative it has always been claimed and that means that we do not mind being screwed as long as we are allowed to think that we are individually better than everyone else. Kill the class system and you may create a society where we care and help each other to develop and rise, instead of assisting all the chinless and buggered wonders to maintain power. Whether they call themselves Conservative or Labour they are from the same inbred 7% of our public school educated population. They lack true life experience AS WELL AS PROPER USEFUL EDUCATION ( a first in english does not exactly make you a smart economist). I never thought I would say this, not being a great friend of the US and their policies to now, but, with the election of Obama and the obvious change of mind in the younger generation they might just be a leading light for the future. We the people who are going to pick up the bits and pieces left after the crash and pass on a mountain of debt to our children, grand children and great grand children and possibly great great grand children why those responsible are still making ever more money should now make sure we have a change and a great change of direction or we will fall in to an abyss so deep we may no get out again.
  4. Very interesting and informative reading, but, I think some of the more important problems are not discussed. The current banking crisis is not caused by any irresponsible mortgage lending in the UK, but, by gready and irresponsible investments in bad US mortgages who could best be described as ''junk bonds'' like those Mike Milken flogged in the 80's to the financial community. It's greed and the result of a bonus payment system that defies belief. However, here in the UK things are a bit different. Even if the banks were to use multiplicators of 6 or 7 times the income, the great majority of people with mortgages pay them. Do not forget that in the UK there is no true rental market and what the councils provide is normally referred to as ''social housing'' i.e. for those who cannot fend for themselves or are social misfits and is not available for ordinary people. If there were no lending facilities available that furnished people with self cert. mortgages or buy to let mortgages etc. then the market would come to a complete stand still. The average certifiable income in the UK is (or was) around £21,000.00 with a average house costing some £210,000.00, thats 10 times your gross income. In London it's worse and people may earn a bit more, but, the house prices are also a lot higher. If you think that with stricter lending norms there will be a market adjustment you are wrong, it's all a question of supply and demand. And, do not forget to rent a 2 bedroom apartment in a not to bad London Suburb will cost you around £1,100.00 per month, about the same as a 6%, interest only mortgage of £212,500.00 (85% of 250,000.00). There are many other factors to take in to account. Britain is no longer a manufacturing country with large export based economy. Nor does it export any larger amounts of crude or refined oil, but, is mainly a ''service provider''. We live and die with consumtion. No money no honey and that is exactly what is happening. Shops, restaurants and other service providers are going out of business and nothing is really done to prevent it. The governments 2.5% VAT cut must be one of the most stupid panic (re-)actions ever to have been introduced as a measure to stimulate the consumers. It's outright embarrasing to have to endure this kind of ineptitude, 2.5% of a suit at NEXT costing £125.00 will save you the fantastic sum of £3.13, not enough for a pint in your local. Nor can they see or plan ahead, but, follows the wind like a dust swirl. You cannot save the situation by bailing out the banks and those who already have the money and caused the problems, YOU MUST ENSURE THAT THE PEOPLE, THE COMMON MAN AND WOMAN ON THE STREET ARE SUPPORTED. Honestly, let the banks go. Ensure the state takes them over and simply ditch the toxic debt. Write down personal debt and FIX MORTGAGE RATES at some 2% and lover the interbank rate to 0%. Remove all stampduty up to £750,000.00 and stamp out the current credit rating agencies who are actually doing more harm than goo. Change the law to protect the weaker against the predator as it does in most European countries. Stop pandering to those with money and power and do what you were elected to do REPRESENT THE WISHES OF THE PEOPLE. I think we will see a melt down the like we cannot even imagine yet and sadly people will suffer and suffer a lot. There are some good news though for our Russian Oligarks, Arab Oil Sheiks, Indian Moguls and Chinese friends. Cash is Kng and there are some real bargains out there like most of UK PLC.
  5. I shall my friends. It's a lot and should make some interesting reading.;
  6. I do not mean to sound like I'm chewing the carpet, but, the more I've had to fight the ''creditors'' if that is the word to use, the more disgusted I get. Most of all is the total incompetence and absolute subjectivity of our judges. Although they are nothing but rather unimposing solicitors who did not make it in the rough and tumble of £150 to £400 per hour big time outside they still side with creditors or anyone with a title. This makes it difficult to fight them, the crditors, the DCA's and all the others who wants a piece of the action. I'm cool but angry, thats all.
  7. I have now been in war with Mortgage Lenders, Banks, Credit Card Lenders and last but not least Debt Collection Agencies. That I'm still alive and have not had a total nerveous break down can only be attributed to strength and perseverance, but, lately nature is beginning to make itself reminded. I'm no longer 25 and have during the past 2 years not only been near death with double sided pneumonia, had auto immune problems and now a broken back|| So what is then a financial ruin due to the credit break down and masses of debt that cannot be paid. A normal person would proberbly take bankrupcy as the easiest option, but, I'm p....d off and will not give in to the banks and other blood suckers. It's time to stand up and be counted. How long are we going to allow the system to screw us. In no other country do you have to feel ashamed of financially failing and in that big land of capitalism USA it's nothing, but, something that happens and is a part of life. Enough, I've been succesfully fobbing off at least 2 DCA's and have now a number of smaller worms to deal with. The thing is I'm no longer worried about my credit rating, defaults and ccj's and as soon as most of us caught up and trapped in debt situations we may not even have created ourselves the sooner we can do something about the system. I have stories about judges and creditors that would make fairy tales why I want to fight to win or go down fighting. I need support and partners SO PLEASE GET IN CONTACT and lets move mountains.
  8. Got to apologize here, I do not mean to recommend anyone to not pay their dues. The problem is that we have to many blood sucking creatures that will front load your account with interests to be added and then default you in order to virtually double the amount you owe. I do not feel sorry for these outfits and considering what the banking industry in general has caused lately I say screw them all.
  9. Great, So what is the situation a year down the line? This is not my first ''dingaling'' with so called DCA's and Ive got out of some £40,000.00 wth one, however, the problem is the time. What if they will ''find'' the agreement some day in the future. Is it still enforceable?
  10. I/we would point out that I/we have no knowledge of any such debt being owed to (insert company name). Have you got a letter of assignment from the original creditor? If you have not then you are within your rights.
  11. Hi, I am new here and as I have a similar situation with 1st Credit I thought you might be able to solve a small problem of interpretation for me. When the 12 + a further 32 days have passed what is the exact legal situation and my position as a debtor? 1st Credit were requested 01 December 2008 to produce the original signed credit agreement which they ofcourse have not done, nor have they returned the alledged debt to the original creditor (a high street bank). Now, after the 42 or 44 days without any credit agreement is the DCA in breach of the law? and what about the original debt?
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