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Everything posted by nohoper

  1. Hi I cant beat your 73k but i do know what 44k feels like and I know how much that hurt. I too kept it away from my wife and kids but they found out eventually. Yes there were lots of tears to start but it has made our family closer now than we ever were. I'm working on my debts and now have them down to 28k so still a long way to go. As far as foriegn travel goes etc, could your company not issue you with a company credit card to cover your expenses?
  2. Is the line crossed or are you experiencing overhearing. Do you receive incoming calls to your own number? If you have a problem with broadband you need to talk to your internet service provider and not your telephony provider. End result is you will still get an Openreach engineer arrive to fix the fault but at least he will be trained to fix ADSL problems
  3. Hello everyone I found this site by accident while reverse tracing a phone number. Im in debt upto my ears and have been for years. I have an arrangement with my creditors and they all receive some cash each month. Every month I can guarantee that one of them will contact me requesting that I make bigger payments which I cant afford. I cant remortgage my house as its mortgaged up to the hilt on an interest only plan. I have managed to get all my creditors to agree to being paid by standing order order which works well for me as I feel I am in control over the repayments. I think on current estimates my debts will be repaid sometime in 2051 if I live that long.
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