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Posts posted by pcah9

  1. I have today received a letter from the csa stating my case is now closed (19 years is up) but however as i have arrears they will be going over my accounts and i will be hearing from them in due course.

    I phoned them and they state the figure is some £1460 in arrears,i dispute that by about a hundred pounds going by the last letter they sent me concerning accounts.

    Nearly all the arrears were accumulated by the time it took them to work out assesments whilst i was working,in those 19 years i was made redundant 5 times,so i also spent time seeking work,paying them the £5-40 or so per week minimum.

    Now,since dec 2006 i have been in receipt of income support/incapacity benefit/disability allowance(this goes towards my car) due to having COPD,chronic obstructive pulmanory disease and i will never work again,im 54 by the way.

    I asked the debt dept of the csa what figure they were looking at to clear the arrears,they stated approx £57-00 per month over 2 years.

    I told them i would offer £5-00 per month due to my income and outgoings,they said that doesn`t come into it,i asked for an income/expense sheet to prove my income/outgoings and they said we do not have any such sheets.

    So advice needed,is it best to go to court and let a judge see my income/outgoings,the csa did also state they would sent in the bailifs(the enforcement dept told me that),i told them i do not own my home i rent it and anything that is here is on a form of hire purhase with different stores,i don`t own a car,it is a motability car,so what would you do?

  2. Well 42man there would have been a financial loss.....out of my pocket.!!!!!

    The law as it stands is very specific,this "so called debt" was just on Barclaycards database ,no other information was held,no history of any payments on the "debt",no history of the ccj or warrant of execution taken out by Barclaycard in 1994,no history of their righting off the "debt" in 1994 by letter to me.

    They did however sell my name,address and telephone number associated with this "debt" which is against the law as the "debt" in theory does not exist.

    What Barclaycard and Lowells did not reckon on was someone keeping ALL correspondence from 1994 concerning the "debt",and note that from 1994 until december 2007 Barclaycard NEVER once wrote or phoned me concerning the "debt".

    The complaint to the FOS was very simple ....Barclaycard by selling my data broke the law,at no time did they ask me if they could sell my personal data and i did not at any time state they could sell my data.

    p.s. Thanks for the reputation point,all welcome!!!!

  3. The FOS telephoned me today and told me that Lowells and Barclaycard have both been cautioned over their underhand tactics of trying to enforce a debt which stems back to 1994.

    In my case,Barclaycard have been told to purchase the debt back from Lowells and right it off ...this by the FOS.

    Concerning Barclaycard selling my personal data to a third party i have been offered a settlement sum for their wrong doing and for all the hassle that should never have happened.

    So up yours Lowells and i suggest Barclaycard get their house in order and any-one who also is suffering from their underhand tactics to complain to the FOS if you know you are 100% correct.

    It seems that DCA`s will just play you on a merry go round so i also suggest that you send the OC and the DCA the correct letters ,templates on here,as soon as you realise you are right and not them.

    Always stipulate "you have 10 working days to reply",then if you receive "b---s---" back or no reply go straight for the jugular and get them slapped with the £400 investigation fee aswell.

    Considering Lowells bought over 100,000 barclaycard debts,there must be alot of people in the same position i was in so if you are one of those people,stand up and complain to the FOS.

    • Haha 1
  4. I have just received a letter from the FOS stating that my case against Barclaycard and Lowells will be investigated by nov 12.

    I have claimed £1000 against Barclaycard for selling my data to a third party who had no paperwork to enforce payment and the debt was 16 years old.

    My specific claim is that the data held by Barclaycard was a contract between me and them and as such my personal data ....address.tel no.etc etc should not have been sold to a third party without my knowledge or my permission.

    My argument is that who the hell knows now where all my personal details will end up?

  5. Why are you still P****** about with these useless idiots,do exactly what i have done,you know you are not liable for the debt,you state you have sent them letters to say so and they could not care less,they will continue for ever to harrass you:-Send every piece of evidence you have received from them with a formal complaint letter to the financial ombudsman service,send Lowells a letter stating that this matter has been passed to the FOS and you will have no dealings with them whatsoever,please direct any correspondence to the attention of the FOS.

  6. Letter received from Robinson Way today:-

    Dear MR *****

    We refer to the above account and acknowledge your recent communication.

    Having reviewed your comments,we can now advise you that we have closed your account in our files and you will receive no further communication from ourselves in this matter.

    If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Yours faithfully

    Collections Manager.

    So thank-you to all on this forum,obviously RW did not have a cca nor did they have any knowledge of the 14 year old ccj.

    I just saved myself nigh on three thousand pounds thanks to the advice on here.

  7. Wow....And you seem the brightest spark of all...Especially with your cute little picture...Aww


    Hows about everyone in the country just builds up debt and refuses to pay...Now that would make the country a better place..Wouldnt it...


    All the time you guys delay paying these debts your credit ratings are plumeting like lemmings.....Lovely

    Who in their right mind gives a S**T about their credit rating?

    Come to that,who in their right mind gives a S**T about dca`s and their under achieving staff?

  8. You're a fab lot. Cheers. When I said 'I don't want to stop answering the phone', I meant that I have no way of knowing who's calling before I answer - therefore, I may be ignoring a phone call that I actually want to receive. Anyway - I'll send the harrassment letter. My DM company have been fab and really supportive, but they say that HSBC are notorious for this kind of behaviour and our best bet is simply to wait for the debt to be passed on to a DCA, who, amazingly, are much easier to deal with!!!!!!


    Just out of interest, has anyone refused to answer the security questions, or answered them incorrectly on purpose?

    Read my post in "how to annoy a dca...payback time"...that is how you answer security questions.

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