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Everything posted by Honeypot

  1. Hi Frettfull What does small track mean ? x
  2. Hi Docman No I haven't. I can't think why they would agree to it though as they can win hands down in court. How does a Tomlin order work?
  3. Hi Nicklea Thanks for calling by. The CCA is from Jun 2006 and I posted it on here and a Site Team member checked it and said it was properly executed and enforceable. I will try defend part of the claim. To add up all the charges that have been applied do I need to request a SAR or do I send a CPR request to the solicitor for all the charges ? Also even though I have had a CCA back and checked, should I request a true copy along with the DN in a CPR request or is that pointless as I am admitting to part of the claim? Thanks Vicky xxxx
  4. I'm just filling out the AOS as we speak. Now I'm stuck again:x Should I put I intend to Defend Part of The Claim (penalty charges) or should I put I Intend To Defend all of the Claim and make a Counterclaim for the penalty charges ?
  5. I think i understand it now ! I need to fill out the AOS and state whether I wish to defend all of the claim or part of the claim and then file a defence within 28 days. i was panicking as usual and didn't read it properly. Sorry guys x
  6. Hi I received the N1 form with POC on etc. I received a response pack (N9CPC) which has a AOS, Defence & Counter Claim (N9B) and a Admission form (N9A) The response pack says complete Admission and Defence if I want to dispute all or part of the claim (which I do) I am just stuck as to whether I can still complete AOS and buy some more time.
  7. Hi Frettful Yes I had the same consent form too. I ignored it like Andy advised. Andy/Frettful/Docman if youre around please could you look at my other thread in the Legal section as I urgently need some advice! http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?290616-Help-Please-with-Claim-Form!!!&highlight= Thanks Vicky xxxx
  8. hello I'm really confused and time is running out. As mentioned in my earlier posts I want to try claim back credit card charges from the total balance on the POC. So therefore I admit part of the claim. I phoned the court yesterday and they said when you admit part of the claim you just complete admission form and defence. You cannot complete the AOS to gain more time. Is this correct as it contradicts Nicklea's post? Please help! Vicky xxxx
  9. Hi Does anyone know when sending a postal order for a CCA request to Barclaycard whether its payable to Barclaycard or Barclays Bank? Dont want to get it wrong ! Thanks Vicky xxxx
  10. Thanks Nicklea I'm a bit confused as the reponse pack says that if I admit part of the claim I just need to send Admission and defence. It doesn't mention sending the AOS as well. The claim form says the AOS is only used when disagreeing with the full amount. Can I just get clarification on what to send back? Thanks Vicky xxxx
  11. Hi Can anyone help please? I want to admit part of my credit card claim so the resonse pack says to send the admission form and the defence form to court. Do I also fill out the AOS as well as I want more time? Also I have posted this question elsewhere but thing it maybe best answered in this forum but can anyone confirm if I can try challenge the claim at this stage and get penalty charges knocked off? Thanks Vicky xxxx
  12. Thanks Nicklea Can I ask if its OK to cut and paste what you have helped with? Also is there a reason why you have numbered them 19. 20. 21? Sorry I'm a bit dim! Thanks Vicky xxxx
  13. Hi All If you have received a Court Claim for a credit card and admit the debt is yours but want penalty charges removing from the total claimed is it possible or is it too late at this point? There is a section on my response pack that talks about admitting only part of the claim and wondered if that related to that? Thanks Vicky xxxx
  14. The N9A form says to send it to the claimant and not to the court? Which is correct?
  15. I wonder why they didnt reply to my defence in time. The stay is dated 18th Nov last year! I'd love to see my file on D&G's desk. I reckon they are looking for my original CCA. Thanks Andy, Thanks Frettful Vicky xxxx
  16. Thanks for your speedy replies. Unfortunately I dont have a case to fight this. Everything has been done correctly. Do you just fill out the Income/Expenditure on the back of the N9A form and wait to hear if a judge has accepted your payment offer? Thanks Vicky xxxx
  17. Hi All Is it possible to still negotiate with a DCA when they have issued a CCJ summons? I have been too scared and too stupid to face up to one of Restons letters and so as I havent made contact they are sueing me. Can I still write to them and try sort or is it futile now. Thanks Vicky xxxx
  18. Hi Fretful What a Thread !!! Just phoned the court today and nothing has happened since my case was stayed due to no response from D&G solicitors. The advisor at court said they can reactivate it at anytime. Does anyone know that if they do will I get notified? I keep thinking D&G will get a CCj awarded without me knowing. Vicky xxxx
  19. Hi I acknowledged online and then sent a defence saying I want to see the original CCA, DN etc. They sent me a load of crap through plus a consent form to sign. I never replied. Court have told me that they claim was stayed in mid November. I've heard nothing since.
  20. Hi I have defaulted on my credit card and received a DN. Mercers have said to me interest at the original rate (19.9%) will continue to be added to the account. Is this correct? Thanks Vicky xxxx
  21. Hi Update- I have not heard anything from D&G solicitors since my claim was stayed after submitting embarassed defence. Is this normal? Thanks Vicky xxxx
  22. Thanks R, Thanks Tingy I guess because my debt is high and my income low the judge will just laugh at me. Can a judge make you bankrupt or make you sell your house if my repayment offer is too low? Sorry to ramble on x
  23. Thanks for your insight Jimbo. My CCA is watertight so I've already lost this and will expect a CCJ and Charging Order early next year. If I can only afford X amount a month and Restons don't accept what will the judge do?
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