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Everything posted by lm1963

  1. Allied International Credit called me again twice yesterday, my son answered and told them I was not at home. I darent answer the phone at all!
  2. Thankyou so much for your support. I dread the postman coming! Its like I have this BIG cloud of doom coming and it makes me feel terrible 24/7. I will let you know when I hear from them next, in the meantime I am going to continue sending my £1.00 a month token payment to each of my 3 TSB accounts. x
  3. I just couldnt believe the way AIC spoke to me on the phone "Why have you not called me then to say your mother couldnt loan you the money"??? I was so upset I threw the food away I was eating when she called at nearly 8pm at night. Last night I couldnt sleep as I was thinking god what if i end up in jail or something! Ive never broken the law in my life and used to be a happily married mother of 3 and cant believe the mess I have gotten myself into:cry: But Im a mother and if I needed to feed my kids or pay a gas bill, and there was money in the bank, im going to use it, stupid I know but you just dont worry about the consequences at the time. Guess now I am just waiting for papers to come through the post telling me Im being taken to court. The horrible thing is, I have tried so many times to come to an arrangement with TSB to pay what I owe but they NEVER answered any of my letters (they just called all the time asking for money) so now I am terrified to answer my own phone.
  4. I dont have the DMP in plac now, the £100 per month was killing me, it was more or less what I would have been paying to TSB had I not got into debt. I have however been registered with CCCS recently and they have put together my budget sheet which I had to send to TSB, via recorded delivery, which they ignored and put me straight to Allied International Credit
  5. Thankyou Steven:) Very much appreciated! x
  6. I have recently been contacted by Allied International credit over a debt with TSB. I owe approx £10,000. TSB quickly offered me a credit card after a routine visit to their bank, AND gave me a 1,500 overdraft that I didnt even ask for! A £1,000 loan was also given to me online in a matter of minutes. I was working at the time but when my contract ended I asked the bank (before i had missed any payments) if they could allow me to make smaller payments til i found work but they refused and told me to ring customer services. I did so and was told my income was so small they couldnt accept ANY payment from me (I was/am on Income Support. They told me to go to Citizens Advice. They told me to get a debt management plan, which i did but they charged me £100 a month (£85 went to TSB, they took the rest) and I simply couldnt afford it. TSB even kept adding money into my account to cover bank charges, so in the end my overdraft limit was over £3,000!!!!!!!!!!! Single mum on benefits, so i was using the money to pay bills and buy food, NOT for cars, holidays etc So now AIC have took to sending letters, threatening baliffs etc, and even called me and asked if I could borrow money from my family!!! They rang this week at 7.40pm and asked if i had managed to borrow any money and when I said no, I was 'told off' like a little girl! I hung up and they rang back and left a message saying *I* was unprofessional for hanging up! So looks like I am now going to be dragged off to court and to be honest the whole thing has made me ill. Maybe banks should be more strict when throwing money at people.
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