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  1. after 2 months of waiting for their so called proof bearing in mind i wrote to RCS and AMC ltd (the parent company)- i never recieved any aknowledgement to my letters or any sign of their so called proof --i finally get another pretty yellow letter from RCS saying that they r now offering for me to pay 50% of the total cost of the account and they will close the matter-- or i even have the chance of paying the debt off at £10 pw reviewable every 6 months --so i contacted consumer direct again (as i now with a few others have my own case number)and they say its a last ditch effort to "get something out of me " as to date ive had no "proof" whatsoever and definitely no court date ---they also advised me to check with experian to check my credit rating just to cover myself ----their thoughts on the matter is THIS HAS GOT TO BE A HOAX--- needless to say id still like to know how they got my details --- surely there is someone out there who can stop these companies doing this sort of thing
  2. hi there CAB basically told me that it must be some sort of [problem] ive done everything right so far ie. sent letters back first class recorded denying all knowledge , stated that this is nothing to do with me and demanded a copy of the "proof" they hold on me RCS say u have to pay £10 ,but CAB and consumer direct (trading standards) say we dont have to pay anything ,as by law youre allowed to see anything with your name on legal documents or otherwise either way ive now left it in "C.D" hands if RCS try and take it to court they have to let me know when and i will be there ready and waiting
  3. just a quick note to say ive been in touch with a solicitor who has advised me to check them out a bit more they wont help me as its a civil matter not a legal matter so ive got an appt. with C.A.B today the main thing that bothers me is if "fitlife" have my details who else is there ? is there more debt around the corner i dont know about yet ? i can only put this whole incident down to identity fraud or some sleazy company thats just after money there isnt even a fitlife gym in my town the only one i can find nearest to this is over 15 miles away this is seriously making me more ill than i am any ideas anyone plz plz plz
  4. yet another gym membership theyve dreamed up i got a letter 28th march 2008 saying theyd positively identified me at my home address and have to pay £443.16 i contacted them and denied all knowledge saying im not well enuf (healthwise) to mostly go out the house never mind go to a gym i spoke to a snotty asian woman who wouldnt help me at all wouldnt give me details or anything just said at first it was 2 years ago then said it was 6 years ago and i would have to pay the bill so i put it in writing and sent it first class recorded bearing in mind 2 years ago i was going through a divorce and severely ill and 6 years ago i would have been pregnant til the may which would stop me enrolling in physical activities til at least the sept the good old post office lost my letter in the post so ive now complained to them as well got another letter from them so we phoned up and the same lady again said i would have to pay £10.00 for them to send me the details despite me telling them the legal contract was signed in my name NOT by me still wouldnt help last night she phoned again and spoke to my 12yr old daughter so i rang her back and she basically stated they r going to start legal proceedings so i told her to go ahead any documents they have on me would have to be produced anyway and i will be more than ready for them either way how do fitlife get ur details to start all this ive never even entertained the idea of a gym what else can i do to sort this
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