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  1. I'm determined to get something done against the revolting AK. Let me know how you get on. The more people who complain the more likely action will be taken.
  2. rvar

    Fuel Protest

    I'm pretty incensed by the cost of fuel (and Road Tax). Here in rural Devon the public transport is poor. The nearest train station is 10 miles away and single carriage dirty trains run every two hours and take forever ! But I do not think this type of fuel protest will work. Potentially motorists are a very powerful political lobby, even if just a small percentage were active it would make a huge difference. I am an ex Civil Servant who spent 25 years in Whitehall, 15 of them at the Department for Transport ! Ministers are interested in one thing, votes. The best way to get rid of the current mob is to elect someone else. In the meantime, I would target Government MPs with small majorities. You only need maybe a hundred people to write to an MP in this position to get them to put pressure on the Government. If enough MPs get worried about their seats the message will get through. At the end of the day, the Government has to pay for its spending, it has promised not to raise the basic rate of income tax so it has to find the money from somewhere. They will claim if you cut fuel duty you will have to raise some other tax to pay for hospitals, schools etc. What gets me is this Government wastes so much money, I wouldn't mind so much if they actually used our money wisely. Best regards
  3. I have, this is their reply: Thank you for your email received on 23 February 2008. I sincerely apologise for the delay in responding. I am very sorry to hear about the difficulties you have been experiencing however, the OFT has no authority to become involved in disputes between consumers and traders and so we cannot offer you any direct help with the complaint or advise you directly in this matter. Our role is to protect the collective interests of consumers. The Consumer Credit Act 1974 (the Act) establishes a licensing system to protect the interests of consumers in the credit area. If a business wishes to undertake the collection of debts that arise from consumer credit agreements then the Act states that they are required to hold a consumer credit licence; this is issued by the OFT. Aktiv Kapital (UK) Limited does hold a consumer credit licence. Under the Act, the OFT has a duty to consider the fitness of all traders who hold consumer credit licences. In considering fitness we take into account whether a business has engaged in improper business practices. Where we receive complaints about the business practices of licensees, we investigate them and where appropriate we take enforcement action; that action depends on the evidence and circumstances. Action the OFT can take includes revoking, refusing or suspending a licence; or placing conduct requirements on the licence of the company or business in question (failure to comply with a conduct requirement can result in a financial penalty being levied). The OFT has issued guidance to consumer credit licence holders engaged in the debt collection industry. The guidance is intended to ensure that debt collectors treat debtors fairly. Non-compliance with this guidance will call into question the fitness of licence holders and applicants. You can view our guidance at: http://www.oft.gov.uk/advice_and_resources/resource_base/legal/cca/debt-collection I have noted the details of your complaint, and we will consider this alongside any other complaints we have received with a view to any licensing action we may decide to take. If we do take any licensing action against this trader, it is likely that we would need to disclose your identity to this trader along with details of your complaint. I should therefore be grateful if you would provide me with written authorisation to disclose your details to the trader. I have enclosed a disclosure consent form for you to sign and return to me. Should you require specialist, face-to-face assistance, or intervention, you may wish to seek legal advice either through a local Citizens' Advice Bureau or directly from a legal adviser. The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) can help with most complaints about consumer-credit products and services if the consumer has failed to satisfactorily resolve the matter directly with the financial institution itself. FOS can be contacted at: The Financial Ombudsman Service, South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London, E14 9SR; telephone number, 0845 080 1800, or www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk. Thank you again for writing to us and bringing this matter to our attention. PLEASE COMPLAIN ABOUT DCA'S TO OFT THE MORE PEOPLE WHO CONTACT OFT THE BETTER
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