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  1. Hello Agaoin Forum! i have been doing sme thinking, and enough is enough. I am going to take action against the gentleman who ade false allegations to the police and caused me nearly a year of worry and panic. Apparently, it is defamation which lead to stress. Can anyone recommend a good solicitor / firm of solicitors in this field? Preferably, no win no fee, as I am only doing this to get personal closure. Any help, most appreciated!
  2. Count your lucky stars! My car went into Stratstone Jaguar near Dudley, was there for a weekend. When it was returned, there were 2 dents in it. When I asked them, the response was pretty much 'tough'. It i not the first time I have seen arrogance from Stratstone dealers (every dealer associated wth Pendragon I have ever been to is poor). Another Stratstone garage employee decided to use my car to go home on the night once. They denied it, despite me seeing the car appear, and thier failure to explain why after moving the car 50 yards would warm the engine up to normal operating temperature. On the plus side, it was nice and warm when I got in (if slighty oil stained).
  3. Interesting view. As I had already left, the loss financially to myself is more 'seceptical' (for example, having to refuse a job on a higher salary based on the stress factor) however it would be unfair on my previous employer to try to chase for this (like in the previous post, anything could happen to prevent my being able to do a job). It is also not fair on the people there because anyone who was close to me may be 'victimised'. However, I think he is the kind of person to take note, so I may look at taking some action against him. I kind of wished the police would have taken action for wasting police time, but then I suppose they have better things to do.
  4. I am not sure why but I just feel a responsibility. I have accepted that I will not have a job like I used to again, and that is not the issue. The lack of future earning potential is somewhat inconvenient, but then anything could happen to change what job people can go on and do. I could have accepted the job on offer, and been run over and unable to continue working at it. So that is not my issue. I know he (the gentleman who runs the company) has done very bad things to people in the past, and I am just 1 of many, but nobody has done anything. What if the next person gets pushed further than me? I just feel someone needs to show that you can't treat people like this. As for proving stress, I have not been to a doctor, as I am scared they will give me pills and put me in some hospital place. I have been speaking to a counselor about my feelings. I have been keeping a diary of times when I have not behaved as I normally would before this happen. Every month or so I look through my notes, and I have noted changes.
  5. Hello! I need some advice about a situation with a previous employer. After I left the company, certain actions were taken which caused me a great deal of stress. Almost a year on, the issue is closed but not without leaving me with a number of consequences. I have had to take a lower salaried job because of the stress resulting from his actions, and don't feel I will ever be able to go back to what I used to do. It has also put me in counseling, and left me with uneasy feelings about things. I am not sure if I should not write to the company, and ask them why they did this to me? or should I leave it? What do I do? I just know I need to do something so I can at least say 'I did my bt to try and make sure they don't mess anyone else around'. Help!
  6. I just readback through your post. I have to say, as I suspected, they have failed to supply you with what you have requested. They are in breach of the Consumer Credit Act by chasing you for payment for which THEY ARE NOT ENTITLED. Unless THEY CAN PROVE you owe the money, THERE IS NO DEBT. Look at this; I am saying that Rosemary Ednam, YOU OWE ME £2000. PAY OR I WILL TAKE LEGAL ACTION TO RECOVER THIS MONEY. Now, how ridiculous is this? You would tell me to get lost right? If I came around to your house, you'd call the police as I'm harrassing you. These lowlife **** are no different. I reserve the right to call them that, I worked there and I know how they treat [REAL] debtors. Report them for harrassment, and write back stating YOU ACKNOWLEDGE NO DEBT to them, and should they choose to take legal action YOU WILL BE FORCED TO BRING THIER COMPLIANCE FAILURES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE COURT. YOU WILL ALSO HOLD THEM RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES. Have a few months off with stress, and SUE THE SCUMBAGS. Money is what they understand, hell Jan Mossie (No full names mods!) and Rob S are in this game to make money, and very well they did out of it too. Fight them at thier game, hit them where it hurts. The longer they get away with it, the more people will be forced into giving them money.
  7. I may have missed something is this post, so do forgive me if this is the case. I used to work (I am ashamed to say) for equidebt, and I can understand how they will make you feel anxious. Have you sent a formal request for the Consumer Credit Agreement which proves that they have the right to contact you. If you have, and they have not replied they are breaking the law by calling you. They have 14 days, else they are in DEFAULT of your request and cannot legall call you. I know for a fact they are very frusrated that people are learning thier rights (because of my personal web site at the time, whe they discovered what I did they were not happy!) and may be just hitting out. If they have satisfied the CCA (request for the credit agreement) which I don't expect they have, then you have a few different options which i will run through personally with you if you like
  8. Hello! New here, so let me say its nice to see you all! I had an operation many years ago on the NHS. There were a series of complications which lead to series of further operations. However it has left me with a lasting deformation, which I am considering havig rectified as it is inconvenient, and causes some embarrasement. However, I am not ashamed to admit I am scared about having this done on the NHS because of the experiences, and it has left me somewhat 'nervous'. However, it will need me to take time out of work, and pay the costs of the operation to have this done privately. Can anyone recommend a law company I could speak to who specialise in these cases, as I would expect that I should get at least some of the cost of rectifying thier mistake back. And before I get attacked like on another forum by saying the NHS is free and you should be thankful for what you get, the NHS is NOT free. I pay a huge amount in NI every month!
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