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Everything posted by maestegblackdog

  1. Proceed very carefully when dealing with Zebra Finance - We found ourselves in a similar position to yourself and challenged the charge with their so called customer service department, their response was somewhat aggressive - I have in the course of my dealings with Zebra Finance been called a fraudster, liar and thief.The consequence of standing up to Zebra Finance is that they made an unauthorised debit to our account and claimed the outstanding amount on the agreement. Zebra Finance have also refused to speak to me or anybody connected to me thus making contact difficult. Yesterday our bank was informed of the situation, also Trading Standards have been given the details of the case which they are now investigating. Today a formal compliant will be prepared and forwarded to the Financial Ombudsman.In our experience Zebra Finance are one step up from a 'doorstep loan shark' and it is impossible to deal with them reasonably. In our opinion they have proved to be unprofessional, aggressive, uncooperative, slanderous and abusive. I will not let them get away with this and will purse further action! Best of luck in dealing with this nasty little ramshackle company you will need it!
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