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Everything posted by Ripley2008

  1. Hi Ell-enn, The hearing is set for 21st October, and the number on the bottom of the form is N120
  2. Hi Olive, (I told her that she MUST go, but it's better coming from someone else, thanks) We are getting together the one months extra, to be paid basically on the same day, UNLESS the 'loan' that she has applied for, and unfortunately is adamant she still wants comes through. In that case, she will pay what's in arrears completely. (in fact, it is her intention to pay off this morgage completely, and have another with someone else) G'son had a rather deep cut on his head, but they 'glued' the ends together, and is fine now, thanks for asking.
  3. Hi, Sorry for the late hour getting here, but had a rather eventful day, which culminated with a visit to the ED with my G'son and his split head! My friend, in the meantime, whom I left here managed to crash my computer whilst doing the only thing she is able to on here ... play solitaire! Anyhow, she brought with her the mail she received in yesterdays post. It's from the court and are a copy of the claim for possession by DHL, and a defence form for her to fill in and return. One point I omitted from my original post yesterday was that she HAS restarted the DD with them. The first payment by that method is due out 1st Sept. If that has any relevance. She was wondering if she write to either the mortgage company, or their solicitors to explain the situation? and also, MUST she go to the court? Regards
  4. Thank you Ell-enn, I will tell her to drop it off for me, however, I'm not sure she will be here herself. At the moment she is working any spare shifts she can in her job, so if anyone has called 'sick' today, she will work. TIA Pauline
  5. My mother had a secured loan with them for £3000 for house improvements. Because of her age I acted as guarantor for it. This was in 1993. After she passed I was paying. I became ill, but had personally paid them over £4k, and stopped paying. Stupidly left it. They asked for £39,000 last year! or they were having my house. I fought it, and they accepted £1500 as full and final payment. They knew that had it gone to court they couldn't justify the amount.
  6. Thank you for your advice, and reassurance olives, much appreciated. As soon as she's over tomorrow I shall show her. Yes, it certainly does help Pauline
  7. Hi, I'm asking for advice for my friend. She has no access to the internet (it frightens her!) and lives alone, so has no family back-up. Basically, she has a well paid job, but got into a few problems a few months back. Of course, ultimately it was her fault, however it started with the banks failure to honour a DD, for what reason we still don't really know, but it happened. This caused a mushroom effect for the following month which caused her to be overdrawn, and a number of DD not being met. Including her mortgage. She was unaware of this, till the following month, when the bank wrote to her informing her that her DD had not been honoured (one of a few). This letter she received towards the end of the month, just as another payment was due. So, three payments missing. She went to the bank, and was told there was nothing they could do, and 'by the way, you have now incurred charges which will be taken out'. These were taken out BEFORE anything else, including her mortgage, which left her four payments. She HAS been in touch with the mortgage company, several times actually, and it was arranged that they would take out the due payment, plus another half month payment, per month, until she was back up to date. This they didn't honour. They took the whole amount out in one go, which left her with £21:00, all of her other DD's and living costs for the remainder of the month. She has managed to get her almost back on course, by cancelling all her DD, and paying bills as they have been asked for. She also cancelled her mortgage DD at this time, worried as to what they would attempt next. She has been sending cheques to them, so has now reached the point where she is just two months in arrears. (my writing of the complete and absolute details may not be perfect, but I hope you get the gist. I'm just trying to give a little background) Now, she has seen a financial adviser, who has been very helpful in that he is organising a new loan/mortgage that will totally clear her debt with her present company (who are Derbyshire Home Loans by the way), and put her back on a steady line. She is just waiting for that to come through. This week, Wednesday, she received a letter from a solicitor telling her that DHL have commenced Possession proceedings of her home, and the hearing is on 21st October. Today she has received more paperwork, but I have not seen them as yet. She was upset on the phone, and I was unable to completely understand her. Now she has had to go to work, so I will not see them until the morning. The amount owing is £846:00, with a further payment not due until 1st October. Before today's letters we had worked it out that between us, we could get one extra payment in, which would just leave the one month outstanding. This is what we have been attempting since the arrears. Her funds have been low, so she eats here most days, and I help as I can. I am disabled though, and only survive on state benefits (sorry). Now, I don't know how to help further, I'M at my wits end, so goodness knows how she must be feeling! I'd be grateful for any or all help and advice .... please? Regards Pauline
  8. Hi, My name is Pauline and I live in South Wales. I joined this group a few months ago because I was having a problem with a company taking the mikey over delivering a suite and was going to ask for some advice. However, as these things sometimes work out, the very day I joined .... my suite arrived. Since then, I've read a lot of the article you have here, and have found them very interesting and useful. Currently, a close friend has got herself into a right mess with her bank charges, so LOOK OUT! it is very possible that I will be seeking a lot of help in the very near future! Till then, I hope today is better than yesterday, and tommorow even better Take Care ALL
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